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Veterinary - Research Databases: PubMed


What is PubMed? What does it search?

PubMed is a free database developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) that provides access to citations for biomedical literature from the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE database, life sciences journals, and select online biomedical books from NCBI Bookshelf.


Getting started with PubMed

Always access PubMed through the LSU Vet Med Library's databases page or favorite the PubMed link address from the Vet Med Library's homepage.

If you begin a PubMed search and the Vet Med Library logo is not appearing in the citation pages, go back to the Vet Med Library's homepage and reopen the PubMed link.

To utilize the save functions in PubMed, register for an NCBI account through NCBI using a third party sign in option (e.g. Google account, ORCID, NIH, etc.).


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Searching in PubMed

Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)

Clinical Queries tool

Accessing Resources in PubMed

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