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Veterinary - Research Databases: My Library in Google Scholar

Google Scholar's My library feature allows you to save articles from your search results, then organize and search within your saved articles. You can also edit citation information and export citations to BibTeX, EndNote, RefMan, or CSV from My library.

Save to My Library

To save an article in your Google Scholar My Library, click on the star icon below the citation you wish to save.

View and organize My Library

1. To view and organize your My library contents, click on the My library link in the upper right corner.


2. To sort your My library contents by labels, first select the articles you would like to include in a label by selecting the box next to the appropriate article(s).


3. Once you have selected all the articles you wish to include within a label, click the label icon, then choose the label to which you wish to add the selections. From the label icon, you can also create new labels and manage existing labels.


Edit and export citations

Edit citations

1. To edit a citation, select the citation you wish to edit, then click the edit icon.

image shows edit citation button


2. Make your edits, then click the check mark to save.


Export citations

To export citations, select the citations you wish to export, click the export icon, then click the format for export (BibTeX, EndNote, RefMan, CSV).

image shows export button and options