Campaigns and Elections: Louisiana: Reform
Some printed items are part of the LLMVC Ephemera Collection; they are listed by item title, with a link to the catalog record for the larger collection.
*Denotes unprocessed collection; see Notes & Tips tab for information on accessing unprocessed manuscript collections and oral history interviews.
Manuscript collections:
- Donna Brazile Papers*
- John B. Breaux Papers
- Buck-Ellis Family Papers
- Common Cause Louisiana Records
- Democratic State Central Committee of Louisiana Papers
- D. Warren Brickell Papers
Printed/Published items:
- Jackson Democratic Association of Louisiana pamphlet (1899)
- An outline of principles for which Sam Jones stands (1939)
- The Negro in Louisiana, seventy-eight years of progress... (1942)
- New Orleans Republican: June 28, 1868
- Weekly Louisianian: September 21, 1872
- Weekly Pelican: January 12, 1889
Manuscript collections:
Oral history interviews:
- L.O. Fusilier oral history interview
- Joe McPherson oral history interview
- J.W. "Cotton" Merchant oral history interview
- William Morgan oral history interview
Printed/Published items:
- Acts passed by the Legislature of the State of Louisiana (1921-1948)*
- Legislative reapportionment is strictly our business (1963)
*Act No. 3 of the 4th Extra Session of the Louisiana legislature of 1935, included in this title, changed the boundaries of the 13th Judicial District, rendering Judge Benjamin H. Pavy ineligible to complete his 6 year term and run for re-election based on his residence. The state legislation was passed under the direction of U.S. Senator Huey P. Long, and resulted in the creation of a new district that was predominately pro-Long. Pavy's son-in-law, Dr. Carl Weiss, allegedly approached Senator Long in the state capitol regarding the act and other perceived slights to Pavy and his family. Whether or not Weiss subsequently assassinated Long, or Long was accidentally shot by his own bodyguards, has been a matter of debate since 1935.

An outline of principles for which Sam Jones stands
Sam Jones gubernatorial platform, 1939
Secret/Australian Ballot
- Daily Picayune: July 18, 1892
- Times-Democrat: March 9, 1893; March 2, 1894