Campaigns and Elections: Louisiana: Campaigns
Some printed items are part of the LLMVC Ephemera Collection; they are listed by item title, with a link to the catalog record for the larger collection.
*Denotes unprocessed collection; see Notes & Tips tab for information on accessing unprocessed manuscript collections and oral history interviews.
Manuscript collections:
Oral History interviews:
- Daily Picayune: January 5, 1896
- Southern Sentinel: July 3, 1852
- Times Democrat: October 16, 1894
- Bogalusa Enterprise, January 20, 1916
- Daily Crescent, April 3, 1848
- Natchitoches Enterprise, January 15, 1920
- St. Landry Clarion, January 17, 1920
- True Democrat, August 29, 1908
Manuscript collections:
- William Arceneaux Papers
- James B. Aswell Papers
- Harrison G. Bagwell Papers
- Martin Behrman Campaign Poster
- Donna Brazile Papers*
- John B. Breaux Papers
- Thomas Butler Papers
- Elisabeth K. Dart Collection
- Democratic State Central Committee of Louisiana Papers
- H. Donald DeVol Collection on Huey P. Long
- Walter F. Dietz Papers
- Hancock Club Campaign Ribbon
- Harvey G. Fields Papers
- J. Bennett Johnston Papers
- Robert Floyd Kennon Papers
- Mary Landrieu Papers*
- Richard W. Leche Speeches
- Catherine S. Long Papers
- Russell B. Long Papers
- Charlton Havard Lyons, Sr. Papers
- Roberta M. Madden Papers
- Political Campaigns Collection
- Howard M. Romaine Papers
- Seymour Weiss Papers
- T. Harry Williams Papers
- Michael D. Wynne Collection
Ephemera (continued)
Printed/Published items:
- Louisiana Political Campaigns Collection (1856-1912)
- Proclamation: Headquarters, Department of the Gulf, New Orleans, January 11, 1864
- New Orleans Journal Prospectus (1870)
- Louisiana Herald, a Democratic Party political broadside from Amite, Tangipahoa Parish, La. (1870)
- A reply to an open letter from J.H. Ringgold, addressed to the voters of the 24th senatorial district (ca. 1880-1892)
- “The History of the Campaign in the First Congressional District” pamphlet (1884)
- Murphy J. Foster campaign pamphlet (1903)
- William Jennings Bryan ribbons (1906)
- “Platform of Henry Pharr, Republican candidate for Governor of Louisiana” (1908)
- Hewitt Bouanchaud cartoon (1924)
- Hewitt Leonidas Bouanchaud handbill (1924)
- Huey P. Long posters (ca. 1934-1935)
- “Why I Am for Earl Long” pamphlet by Russell B. Long (1948)
- Conservative political pamphlets (ca. 1950s)
- ​Campaign Plain dealer and popular sovereignty advocate (1960)
- Louisiana McGovern for President Organization political leaflet (1972)
- Jimmy Carter campaign poster (1976)
- Louisiana political campaigns ephemera (ca. 1976-2006)
- John R. Rarick: American Independent Party presidential campaign buttons and flyer (1980)
- “Buddy Roemer: A ‘Maverick’ Sets His Sights on the Governor’s Mansion" (1986)
- Invitations for political events (2003-2005)
Manuscript collections:
Printed Platforms
Manuscript collections:
- Dupuy H. Anderson Papers
- Harrison G. Bagwell Papers
- Donna Brazile Papers*
- Walter F. Dietz Papers
- E. John and Thomas C.W. Ellis Family Papers
- Henry L. Fuqua Papers
- Richard W. Leche Papers
Printed/Published items:
- La junta central de los amigos de la presente administración del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, á sus conciudadanos de origen español, residentes en el estado de la Luisiana (1828)
- Campaign document no. 2 (1855)
- Declaration of principles and platform (n.d.)
- The American text book, for the campaign (1856)
- Wells' illustrated national campaign hand-book (1860)
- “Platform of Henry Pharr, Republican candidate for Governor of Louisiana” (1908)
- New Orleans Republican: August 20, 1874
- Lafayette Advertiser: November 18, 1903

Dupuy H. Anderson Papers
Letter to voters on campaign letterhead, featuring photographs of East Baton Rouge mayoral candidate Dr. Dupuy Anderson, and Johnnie Jones, candidate for District Attorney, c. 1960

Andrew D. Lytle Photograph Collection
Senate campaign bandwagon, ca. 1869
(view on Louisiana Digital Library)

Political Campaign Collection
Buttons from various candidates, ca. 1960-1980
Sheet Music
Manuscript collections:
- Harrison G. Bagwell Papers
- Henry L. Fuqua Papers
- Richard W. Leche Papers
- Presidential Campaign Songs
- Seymour Weiss Papers
Printed/Published items:
Speeches & Debates
Manuscript collections:
- Albert A. Batchelor Papers
- Donna Brazile Papers*
- Henry L. Fuqua papers
Printed/Published items:
- [Miscellaneous political pamphlets] [1800-1899]
- Address of the New Orleans Central Rough and Ready Club to the people of Louisiana (1848)
- A letter to the public upon political parties, caucuses and conventions, and the next presidential election (1848)
- Louisiana addresses (1854-1954)
- Address to the people of Louisiana on the state of parties (1855)
- Speech of Dr. J.W. Harmon before the state convention of the American Party, held at Baton Rouge (1856)
- The ballot box, the palladium of our liberties (1863)
- Address to the voters of the Fourth Congressional District, composed of the parishes of Natchitoches, Sabine, Rapides, Calcasieu, St. Landry, Vermilion, Lafayette, Avoyelles, Pointe Coupee, St. Martin, West Baton Rouge, Iberville, Assumption and St. Mary (1865)
- Address to the voters of the First Congressional District (1873)
- Spofford vs. Kellogg (1877)
- Richard W. Leche speeches (1936-1937)
- An outline of principles for which Sam Jones stands in his campaign to restore honest, efficient government to the people of Louisiana (1939)
- The political use of radio in the Louisiana gubernatorial campaign of 1947-1948 (1952)
- Reveille: October 4, 1966
- Weekly Louisianian: June 20, 1874
Voters' Guides
Manuscript collections
Printed/Published items:
- A general digest of the ordinances and resolutions of the corporation of New-Orleans (1831)
- The American text book, for the campaign (1856)
- Wells' illustrated national campaign hand-book (1860)
- Republican Party election ticket (1872)
- The Picayune's hand-book of political information for the campaign (1896)
- Voting rights and obligations (1962)
- PAR's voter's guide to the 1974 proposed constitution (1974)
- Voter education and selective service awareness guide (1984)