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Veterinary - Accessing Library Resources: Discovery Search


 Basic search (default: keyword)

keyword, author, or title

 Advanced search

all text, author, title, subject terms, journal title/source, abstract, ISSN/ISBN

Basic Search

Please note that Discovery search does not include the School of Veterinary Medicine Library's journal holdings, so any article citations from a journal to which the SVM Library subscribes will have an Interlibrary Loan request link in the Discovery search. If you wish to access the article immediately, please access the journal through one of the other available tools for accessing resources.


Discovery search is the default search option on the LSU Libraries' homepage. To get to the Discovery search option from the Catalog, click the LSU Libraries icon at the top of any Catalog page.  

1. Enter your search term in the Discovery search box.

location of discovery search box


2. Discovery results contain both the print and electronic book and audio-visual resources available through all LSU Libraries and article level citations from several databases. On the search results page, the number of results is listed at the top of the results. Options to refine results are given to the left of the page. To expand the refine options, click the small arrow to the right of each refine option.


3. For print resources, the library location and call number are listed below title information. To place a hold on a resource, click the "place hold" button under the resource title.


4. To access electronic books, click the View Full-text Online link under the title.


5. For article citations, links to full text will vary; the links will always be below the article citation.


6. For all citations that are not available as PDF full text or HTML full text or through a platform (e.g. View record in DOAJ), the citation will have a Full Text Finder link below the citation. Clicking the Full Text Finder link will resolve to full text, if available through the main campus LSU Library's subscriptions, or to a page with a link to request the resource through Interlibrary Loan.

Please note that journals available through only the School of Veterinary Medicine Library will appear with an interlibrary loan request link. If you notice the article is from a major veterinary journal to which the School of Veterinary Medicine Library subscribes, you may wish to go directly to the journal to obtain the article.

Advanced Search

Please note that Discovery search does not include the School of Veterinary Medicine Library's journal holdings, so any article citations from a journal to which the SVM Library subscribes will have an Interlibrary Loan request link in the Discovery search. If you wish to access the article immediately, please access the journal through one of the other available tools for accessing resources.


Discovery is the default homepage search option on the LSU Libraries' homepageTo get to Discovery search, click the LSU Libraries icon at the top of any Catalog page to go to the LSU Libraries homepage.

1. To conduct an advanced search in Discovery, click the advanced search link below the Discovery search box.

 location of advanced search link


2. In the advanced search screen, enter the terms and search fields in the search boxes and ensure that your boolean operators are correct. Default boolean search is "AND." From the advanced search screen you can change search mode and add any search expanders (default search expander is "apply equivalent subjects"), as well as input any limiters you wish to apply to your search.

location advanced search options, modes and expanders, and limiters.

Faculty Document Delivery services

Both the School of Veterinary Medicine Library and LSU Libraries offer book and electronic delivery services for faculty; the Vet Med Library also offers Document Delivery for staff. To request library resources be delivered to your office, follow the instructions on the Book and Electronic Delivery Services page.