Veterinary - Accessing Library Resources: Catalog
Search Options
Basic search (default)
all fields, author, title, subject, journal title, series, call number, standard numbers (ISBN, ISSN, OCLC)
Advanced search
Combine searches of author, title, subject, series, and/or periodical title.
Basic Search
To access the Catalog, click the Library Catalog link from the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Library homepage.
Before beginning your catalog search, please read the notable differences in how this catalog behaves compared to many other library catalogs.
1. To begin your search, enter your search query in the box. Default search type is "all fields"; to change search type, click on the Field drop down menu and choose the field you wish to search.
2. Search results list the number of results at the top of the list. On the left of the screen are a series of limiter options (publication date, format, type, subject, author, library, and language). Click the box to the left of all the limiter options you wish to include or exclude in your amended results, then click the "include" or "exclude" button to the right of the limiter heading to complete the refine search.
3. The default sort mode in basic search is relevance; if you wish to change the sort mode, click on the sort by drop down box and select the sort mode you prefer. For example, to find the most current available resources, sort by Publication Date (Descending).
4. You can find the format, owning library, shelf location, call number, availability, and, if electronic, an access link in the search results list. For print materials, the owning library will be listed above the call number; for electronic resources, the electronic access link is located above both the owning library and call number.
5. For a more detailed description of the resource, click on the resource's title in the result list to see the full catalog record. The owning library, resource type, call number, shelf location, and hold request link are listed in a box after the catalog record.
6. Within the catalog record, many records will include hyperlinked subject headings (controlled vocabulary terms for topics covered in the resource). Clicking a subject hyperlink will search the Library Catalog for all resources that include that subject heading. Please note that not all resources have subject headings, so subject heading searches may not be complete.
Also, catalog records will include hyperlinked author names and series titles when these fields are present. Clicking one of these hyperlinks will search the Library Catalog for all the resources that include those author names or series titles (if a volume is included in the series statement, only resources with that volume will be returned).
Advanced Search
1. To do an advanced search, click on the advanced search link, then enter your search. Use the search connector, click the dropdown to the right of the search boxes to change the search connector to the appropriate option for your search. If you wish to add any limits to your search, do so from the search screen.
2. Advanced search results are much more focused, but you cannot make any limiting adjustments in the search results screen.
Faculty Document Delivery services
Both the School of Veterinary Medicine Library and LSU Libraries offer book and electronic delivery services for faculty; the Vet Med Library also offers Document Delivery for staff. To request library resources be delivered to your office, follow the instructions on the Book and Electronic Delivery Services page.