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Veterinary - Accessing Library Resources: Overview

What are the tools and when should I use each?

Major Veterinary and Medical Journals Guide

What is it?

A guide that details the major veterinary and medical journals available through the School of Veterinary Medicine Library and LSU Libraries in both print and electronic formats, including years of available access and links to the electronic journal homepages. Access the guide by clicking the Research guides link on the SVM Library homepage.

When should I use this guide?

Use this guide when you want to find the major journals available through the SVM library and LSU Libraries and to quickly access these major journals available electronically.


Catalog search

What is it?

The catalog is the title level holdings information for all available library resources; it includes all resource types (journal, book, AV materials, government documents, etc.) in all formats and the location of the resource.

When should I use the catalog?

Use the catalog to find out if the library owns a specific resource and where to locate that resource, as well as to discover what resources about a particular subject are available through LSU Libraries.

Go to the Catalog Search section of this guide.


Vet Med Electronic Resources and LSU Libraries' E-journals tab

What is it?

Vet Med Electronic Resources is a searchable holdings management tool with links to electronic resources (both electronic books and journals, as well as online videos) available through the School of Veterinary Medicine Library, as well as major veterinary and medical journals  and veterinary-related eBooks available through LSU Libraries. The LSU Libraries' E-journals tab is the same holdings management tool for electronic journals and electronic books available through LSU Libraries only (does not include Vet Med Library journals and eBooks).

When should I use the Vet Med Electronic Resources search or the LSU Libraries E-journals tab?

Use these tools if you are only interested in resources that are available electronically. It is also easier to find one word journal titles with these tools.

Go to the Vet Med Electronic Resources/LSU Libraries' E-journals tab section of this guide.


Discovery search

What is it?

Discovery search is a tool that searches physical and electronic resources owned by LSU Libraries (this includes SVM Library print and electronic books, but not SVM Library journal subscriptions) plus the contents of selected databases in a single search.

When should I use Discovery search?

Use the discovery search if you want to get a broad overview of the resources available about a topic, including books and individual journal articles.

Go to the Discovery search section of this guide.



What are they?

A variety of subscription and free clinical and research tools that contain article citations and other information.

When should I use library databases?

Please see our clinical and research databases guides to determine when to use specific databases.


The School of Veterinary Medicine Library and LSU Libraries have a variety of tools available to access library resources. This guide introduces these tools and explains how to use each of the them.

Important Note: Always begin your search for library resources at the Vet Med Library website. The Database links on the Vet Med Library homepage will allow access to Vet Med resources when available. Only Vet Med affiliates can access Vet Med Library resources.

If you have trouble accessing a library resource, discover a broken link for an electronic resource, or have any questions or issues, please email us at or call    578-9800.

The original content of this research guide was created by Chairity Waugh.