Information for New Faculty: Publication & Dissemination of Research
Information about library resources and services for new (and existing) faculty.
Scholarly Communication (Publication & Dissemination of Research)
If you need to learn the JIF (Journal Impact Factor) or ranking of a journal, Journal Citation Reports is the place to start. Cabell's will give additional information (acceptance rate, estimated time for review and publication) about some journals in a limited number of fields of study. If you can't find information about the journal you are interested in, contact your subject librarian.
- Cabell's Directories This link opens in a new window*Please use Chrome or Firefox for this database.
Cabells is a large directory of journals aimed at helping scholars determine which journals may be a good fit for their manuscripts. It includes helpful information such as topical characteristics, style/formatting guidelines, review process details and acceptance rates for each journal included in the set.
LSU Libraries can also help you learn more about author's rights and offers limited support for Open Access publishing. We also host LSU Digital Commons, LSU's institutional repository (IR).
- Copyright HelpInformation about fair use, author's rights, and using Creative Commons licenses, and more.
- Data Management PlansInformation about creating data management plans (DMPs).
- Open Access Author Fund PilotOpen Access (OA) Author Fund Pilot is designed to heighten the visibility and accessibility of LSU scholarship and to support faculty, staff, and graduate students who choose to publish in open access journals that require author-fees for accepted manuscripts. It is intended for authors with limited sources of funding for open access publication charges.
- LSU Scholarly Repository"The LSU Scholarly Repository collects, preserves, publishes, and makes openly accessible the research and scholarship contributed by LSU faculty, staff, students, and units. Research and scholarly archived materials can include articles, monographs, books, theses & dissertations, audio-visual presentations, working papers, technical reports, conference proceedings, special collections, data, and publicly funded research."