Information for New Faculty: Getting Started
Information about library resources and services for new (and existing) faculty.
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The Basics
If you are new to LSU, these links will help you find basic information about LSU Libraries' services, including information about borrowing materials and using interlibrary loan & document delivery.
- Borrowing from LSU LibrariesLearn about loan periods, course reserves, overdue fees, and more.
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL)Interlibrary Loan (ILL) allows students to request materials not owned by LSU Libraries from other library institutions.
- Electronic DeliveryElectronic Delivery (also referred to as Document Delivery) is a service that provides electronic access to articles, book chapters, and microforms owned only in print format in the Main Library
- Faculty CarrelsThe library has a limited number of study carrels that faculty can reserve for a semester.