Photography Research: Getting Started
Where and how to find photography sources in the library
Finding materials about photography and photographs can be tricky, particularly with print resources, Photography is not generally shelved in the 'N-NX' call number section of the library shelves, where most of the Fine Arts books are located. Most photography books are located in the 'TR' section (4th Floor of the library). However, depending on the topic, they can also appear in the 'AM, GN, SB' call number ranges, as well as other sections of the stacks.
It's important to narrow down your search to a specific topic in mind, such as a photographer, a technique, or a subject such as landscape photography in mind before you begin.
Art & Design Librarian

Search terms/subject headings
Below are some subject terms to get you started. They can be used to search for resources in DISCOVERY and the Library Catalog. Note that some are very broad and bring up a large number of results. You will need to narrow them down.
Note: these links will bring up results from the library's Catalog. You will need to conduct separate searches in DISCOVERY.
Photography equipment and supplies
Architectural photography---Louisiana
Other guides to get you started
The library has a number of tutorials on how to choose your topic, use the databases and evaluate resources that you find as you research your topic.
Below are a list of tutorial-related guides.
Information Literacy Tutorials
Finding Disserations and Theses