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Dual Enrollment Resources for Students & Instructors (LSU DE ENGL)

This online research guide for LSU Dual Enrolled English students will help you find resources for your research paper!


This online guide provides links to library resources and tutorials that you can use to complete the research for your college-level English composition papers successfully.  Each tab gives you an overview and tips on a particular part of the research process.  To search for articles, please go to the "Research Resources and Where to Find Them!" tab on this guide (at this link: where you can find information provided by the Louisiana State Library and other free resources to help with your research.  To access the State Library Resources, you will need to have a library card from your parish library.  It's free! 

Feel free to contact any of the three librarians below with questions. They are happy to guide you through your coursework. 

Map of Louisiana Public Libraries - Open Status & WIFI Info

Source: State Library of Louisiana (2020). Louisiana Public Libraries. Retrieved from: