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Veterinary - Scholarly Communications: Select a Journal

Selecting a Journal

Selecting a high quality, appropriate journal in which to publish is an important step in the process of disseminating your research. Today's scholarly communication landscape presents many opportunities to publish your research, but assessing the quality of various journals and publishers can be challenging. The tools listed below can help you identify and assess journal possibilities.

Tools for Selecting Journals

Journal/Author Name Estimator (Jane)

Based on your title or abstract (keyword is also available), Jane suggests journals which publish on similar topics, as well as related authors and articles.

Elsevier Journal Finder

Based on your article title and abstract, Elsevier's Journal Finder suggests Elsevier journal titles that publish similar articles.

SpringerNature Journal Suggester

Based on your article details, SpringerNature's Journal Suggester finds SpringerNature journals that publish similar articles.

Wiley Journal Finder

Based on your article details, Wiley's Journal Finder suggests Wiley journals that publish similar articles.

Tools for Evaluating Journals

This tool gives Eigenfactor scores for journals.

InFORMed Checklist

This checklist, created by Duke University, helps researchers assess journal and publisher quality.

Journal Citation Reports

This tool from Clarivate Analytics provides journal profiles that include a variety of information, including journal impact factor.

Scimago Journal & Country Rank

This tool provides journal profiles that include journal H-Index, SJR rank, and citation information.


This site presents information that helps researchers assess journal quality.

LSU Libraries Open Access Author Fund

Open Access (OA) Author Fund Pilot is designed to heighten the visibility and accessibility of LSU scholarship and to support faculty, staff, and graduate students who choose to publish in open access journals from fully open access publishers that require author-fees for accepted manuscripts. It is intended for authors with limited sources of funding for open access publication charges.

Awarding is done through a rolling process. Applicants will be reviewed within 10 business days. Everyone that meets the eligibility criteria is encouraged to apply.  The fund will award up to $1500 to recipients to pay publisher author-fees.

For more information, visit the LSU Libraries' Open Access: Author Fund page.

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