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Veterinary - Scholarly Communications: Manage Data

What Is Research Data Management?

Research data management is the process of organizing, storing, preserving, and sharing collected research data. Many funding agencies require a formal plan for data management, so to facilitate your data management planning, LSU offers a variety of tools.

Data Storage Options

Short term storage


Storage capacity: 1 Terabyte (faculty)


Storage capacity: Unlimited (faculty, staff, students)


Archival storage

LSU Scholarly Repository

The LSU Scholarly Repository can be used to archive and publish previously unpublished research materials, as well as to link to previously published materials.

LSU Libraries provides the following text to describe LSU Scholarly Repository in your data management plan:

A long-term data sharing and preservation plan will be used to store and make publicly accessible the data beyond the life of the project. Data management for this project will be supported by LSU Scholarly Repository, the institutional repository for LSU: This uses the LSU Scholarly Repository software, powered by bepress, in order to disseminate and archive the scholarly output of the LSU community. LSU Scholarly Repository provides full-text indexing in major search engines for discoverability of content and provides secure infrastructure for storage and preservation with multiple backups, cloud storage with Amazon Glacier, and a multi-tiered disaster recovery plan. The investigators will consult with the LSU Libraries to facilitate the ingestion of data into LSU Scholarly Repository and to ensure that appropriate descriptive metadata standards are in place for all datasets and their supplementary materials. The datasets will be published in LSU Scholarly Repository for long-term preservation. This will provide it with unique, persistent URLs.

Useful Data Management Plan Links

LSU Office of Research and Economic Development Data Management

This site includes an overview of data management with links to sample data management plans.

LSU's general policy on data management

This document describes the university's recommendations for data management plans.

LSU Libraries

The main campus LSU Libraries provides one-on-one data management plan consultations, as well as data management plan trainings that can be scheduled.

DMP Tool

This site provides templates that meet the current requirements for federal funding agencies. To save your work, select LSU as your institution and log in with your MyLSU credentials.

SPARC Data Sharing Requirements by Federal Agencies

This site gives current standards for data management and sharing for a variety of federal funding agencies.

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