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Veterinary - Scholarly Communications: Researcher Profiles

Why Profiles Matter

Developing your scholarly profile, including claiming your works with a unique identifier and cultivating an online scholar presence, can help raise the visibility of your scholarly research. The links below for creating unique author identifiers and researcher profiles can help you curate and maintain an online scholarly profile that will allow you to disambiguate your work from the work of authors that share a similar name, and keep your works together if you change your name or publish under variant name forms.

Benefits of a strong profile:

  • Showcases your scholarly activities and research output in one place
  • Helps in identifying you to potential collaborators
  • Distinguishes you from other researchers, helping to avoid misidentification
  • Allows you to manage your publications list
  • Allows you to track your citation metrics and demonstrate your research impact

Author Identifiers and Researcher Profiles


The non-profit organization Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) provides unique digital author identifiers for researchers and maintains a registry of these identifiers. A number of journals require authors to provide ORCID IDs in order to publish in those journals. A number of funders use ORCID IDs to make funding applications and outcome reporting easier.

Researchers can import their existing publications indexed in Web of Science, Google Scholar, and others to their ORCID profile via the links below. For more details visit: Why Get an ORCID?


Web of Science ResearcherID & Researcher Profile

Web of Science ResearcherID is a unique author identifier that is integrated into the Web of Science platform. Having a ResearcherID distinguishes an author in the Web of Science databases. Having a Web of Science Researcher Profile with your publications claimed to that profile allows you to track your impact, citation metrics, peer reviews, etc.


Google Scholar Profile

Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across disciplines. With a Google Scholar profile, you can claim and showcase your publications and the citations your scholarly work has received. Once your publications are claimed to your Google Scholar profile, your h-index will automatically be calculated. 


Scopus Author Profile

Although LSU does not have a subscription to Scopus database, Scopus provides a free author profile lookup for authors allowing them to view publications that are attributed to them in Scopus database and to view their citation metrics (h index, citation counts, etc.) within Scopus.


CAB Direct and ORCID

You can connect your MyCABI account in CAB Direct database to your ORCID iD to claim your works in CAB Direct and export them to ORCID. To claim records, you will need to first log into your MyCABI account.

Register for a MyCABI account.


SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae

SciENcv is a researcher profile system for individuals who apply for, receive or are associated with research investments from federal agencies. It helps researchers assemble the professional information needed for participation in federally funded research. It gathers and compiles information on expertise, employment, education and professional accomplishments. Researchers can use SciENcv to create and maintain biosketches that are submitted with grant applications and annual reports. 

Integrating Your LSU Elements Faculty Profile with ORCID

LSU Elements users can benefit from an automatic sharing of publications between ORCID and Elements. 

     1. Log in to your LSU Elements account 

     2. From the Homepage under My Actions, navigate to Add your ORCID ID, and select ADD

     3. Sign in with your ORCID ID and add your publications

Enhance Discoverability of Your Publications/Works

  • Keep your researcher profiles up-to-date with your publications claimed to them
  • Use a consistent author name for publications; include your middle initial
  • Use a consistent affiliation statement: “Louisiana State University, School of Veterinary Medicine"

NCBI's My Bibliography

PubMed's My Bibliography page allows you to create a list of your publications in your My NCBI account that can be shared with others. 

From the PubMed database, login to your account and click your My NCBI icon in the upper right corner. From the dropdown menu, select Publications which will take you to your My NCBI Bibliography page. Here, you can manage your citations, add citations, or make your publication list public or private.

To add citations from a PubMed search results list, select the citations to be added by clicking the boxes to the left of the citations, then click the Send To drop down menu and select My Bibliography. You will find these citations added to your My Bibliography list.

From the My Bibliography page, you can also add citations from a file (upload Medline or RIS formatted file) or manually (use My Bibliography templates to create citations for publications not found in PubMed).

To share your list of publications, from the My Bibliography page under My NCBI, select "Make your bibliography public". You will then see the message, "Share your bibliography with this URL..." Copy the URL link to share the list publicly. 

Link your ORCID ID to your NCBI My Bibliography so that your publications are automatically synced.

  1. Go to (or to PubMed) and sign in to your NCBI Account.
  2. Click on your username icon at the top right corner.
  3. Select Account Settings. Under Linked Accounts, select "Change" and then search for ORCID. Select it, enter your ORCID username and password, and authorize it. Then you should see your ORCID account listed in your Linked Accounts.
  4. Log out of NCBI and then log back into NCBI but use your ORCID account to do so. From the "Sign In" page, click on "See more 3rd party sign in options." Search for ORCID in the list. Click on ORCID and it will take you to ORCID. Select, "Sign In. Enter your ORCID email and password.
  5. Then you will be directed back to your NCBI account.
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