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Veterinary - Scholarly Communications: Measure Impact

Why Is Research Impact Important?

Research impact seeks to quantify the academic, economic, and societal impact of research. Measuring and describing your research impact demonstrates the value of your work as you seek grant funding and apply for promotion or tenure. The information below explains various author impact factor measures and can help you assess the impact of your research.  

Types of Author Impact Factors

H-Index (Hirsh Index)

H-Index "is defined as the highest number of publications of a scientist that received h or more citations each while the other publications have not more than h citations each."1

Calculate H-Index with Web of Science, Google Scholar, or Publish or Perish. Please note H-index calculations may vary between databases.


G-Index "is given by the largest number g of papers which have received at least g citations on average."2

i10 Index

i10 index is a Google Scholar metric that measures a researcher's number of publications with at least 10 citations. This simple measure is only used by Google Scholar and found in Google's My Citations feature.

1Schreiber, M. (2008), An empirical investigation of the g‐index for 26 physicists in comparison with the h‐index, the A‐index, and the R‐index. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci., 59: 1513-1522. doi:10.1002/asi.20856

2Schreiber, M. (2013), Do we need the g‐index?. J Am Soc Inf Sci Tec, 64: 2396-2399. doi:10.1002/asi.22933

Altmetrics for Research Impact


This open source, web-based tool allows researchers to create a profile (using a Twitter account) to obtain altmetrics for their research. Bookmarklet

This free browser bookmark for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari allows you to see online mentions and shares. To view article level metrics, go to a journal article page, then click the Altmetric it! bookmarklet.


This site offers free altmetric data and citation information for publications (information for other content types available with subscription).

Citation Impact

Researcher Profile

Once you have created a Web of Science ResearcherID and claimed your publications to that profile, your Researcher Profile automatically calculates your h-index, as well as other metrics. 

Web of Science

To calculate an author's h-index in Web of Science, search the author's name in the author search field, then click the Citation Report button to the right of the search box.

Be aware that author search results may contain results for multiple authors that share the same name and results may be incomplete if the author published under multiple names/name variations. Also, changing the databases searched from the default Web of Science Core Collection to All databases will often change the citation report calculations.

Google Scholar Profile

Once you have created a Scholar Profile and claimed your publications within Google Scholar, your profile will automatically calculate both your h-index and i10 index.

Publish or Perish

This free, downloadable software uses citation data from Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search to calculate a variety of metrics, including both h-index and g-index.

Tips for Improving Your Research Impact

Distinguish Your Name & Use Unique Author Identifiers and Profiles

Use the same version of your name on all publications. Include your middle initial for additional name distinction. Create and maintain unique author scholarly profiles.

Use a Standardized Affiliation  

Use "Louisiana State University, School of Veterinary Medicine" as the standard affiliation while at LSU so publications are more easily discoverable.  

Open Your Work

  • List your publications in LSU's Scholarly Repository.
  • Consider publishing in an open access journal.
  • Negotiate with your publisher to retain re-use rights. 

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