Before you begin to research your chosen artwork, you will need to know some basic information about it. This information may include the title or name of the work, its historical time period or style, and its current location. Also, you will need to know what medium has been used to create it, such as sculpture, painting, architecture, etc. For example:
Statue of Akhenaten - Amarna Period, 18th Dynasty, Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Museum, Cairo
CC BY-SA 1.0,
Your potential search terms can be: Akhenaten, Amarna, 18th Dynasty, Ancient Egypt. You might also consider using Sculpture, Ancient Egypt; Sculpture, Amarna, and so on. These are what known as Keywords, or specific, important words that can help you find relevant sources for your project.
Very important: You will need to log in to MyLSU in order to use all of the Library's online resources, including Discovery and the Catalog.