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Agricultural Extension, Education and Evaluation: Journals

Research Guide for Ag Extension, Education, and Evaluation. This guide is a great starting place for research!

Agriculture Support Librarian

Profile Photo
Randa Lopez Morgan
141 LSU Library


The list below is a selection of electronic journals and not a complete list of Agricultural Extension, Education and Evaluation journal subscriptions at LSU Libraries. Contact the subject librarian for more information.

The title of the journal is linked to the catalog or another access point. The date range is the time frame that the library has the longest access to and below that is the information about the scope or aim of the journal. 

Updated 9/23/24

Scholarly Communication (Publication & Dissemination of Research)

If you need to learn the JIF (Journal Impact Factor) or ranking of a journal, Journal Citation Reports is the place to start. Cabell's will give additional information (acceptance rate, estimated time for review and publication) about some journals in a limited number of fields of study. If you can't find information about the journal you are interested in, contact your subject librarian. 

LSU Libraries can also help you learn more about author's rights and offers limited support for Open Access publishing. We also host LSU Digital Commons, LSU's institutional repository (IR).