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Blood & Thunder: The Idealized American West and Its Place Today: Indigenous Resources

Supported by a Carnegie Whitney Grant from the American Library Association

National atlas. Indian tribes, cultures & languages

Sturtevant, William C, and U.S Geological Survey. National atlas. Indian tribes, cultures & languages: United States. Reston, Va.: Interior, Geological Survey, 1967. Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.

Indigenous History and the American West

In the comprehensive history of the American West, Native Americans play a central and foundational role, serving as the original inhabitants and custodians of the land long before European colonization. Their rich cultures, diverse languages, and intricate social systems shaped the landscapes and ecosystems of the West for millennia. From the earliest interactions with European explorers and settlers, Native Americans played critical roles as traders, guides, and allies, contributing to the success of early expeditions and settlements. However, as European colonization intensified, Native Americans faced displacement, violence, and the imposition of treaties and policies that sought to marginalize and assimilate them. The history of the American West cannot be fully understood without acknowledging the profound impacts of colonialism, forced removals, and the systematic erasure of indigenous cultures and identities. Despite centuries of adversity, Native American communities have demonstrated resilience, cultural persistence, and ongoing struggles for sovereignty and self-determination, reshaping the narrative of the American West and challenging prevailing myths of conquest and triumph. Today, efforts to recognize and honor indigenous perspectives and contributions are essential for fostering a more inclusive and accurate understanding of the complex history of the American West.

The history of Native Americans and the examination of the history of the American West go hand in hand, and the coverage of such a rich history is impossible to cover adequately in this LibGuide. Instead, we are highlighting recent topics that have emerged such as the examination of the histories of Indian Boarding Schools and the fraught history of our nation's national parks.


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