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Blood & Thunder: The Idealized American West and Its Place Today: Excluded Histories of the West

Supported by a Carnegie Whitney Grant from the American Library Association

Excluded Histories of the West

The history of the American West is often romanticized as a tale of rugged individualism, pioneering spirit, and westward expansion, but behind this narrative lies a vast array of excluded histories. These untold stories encompass the experiences of indigenous peoples, immigrants, women, African Americans, and other marginalized groups whose voices have been overshadowed by the dominant narratives of conquest and settlement. From the forced removal of Native American tribes from their ancestral lands to the struggles of Chinese immigrants building railroads and the fight for civil rights in the Jim Crow era, the American West is a tapestry woven with diverse and often silenced perspectives. Exploring these excluded histories unveils the complexities, contradictions, and injustices that have shaped the region, challenging traditional myths and offering a more inclusive understanding of its past.
