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Louisiana Hurricanes

Images of Hurricanes from left to right, Audrey, Betsy, Camille, Andrew, Katrina, Rita, Gustav, and Ike. Images used are in public domain, pulled from Wikipedia Commons.

Hurricane Literature


As Louisianians and other hurricane-affected populations deal with the impacts of hurricanes and other tropical storms, some have written hurricane-based literature. These works may tell the stories of real or imagined experiences of living through a hurricane to provide insight for others not affected, or provide warnings in a playful way to younger children. These stories took on a higher level of prominence following the impacts of Hurricane Katrina and the nation remembering the Crescent City's experience. 

Key Subject Headings

Listed below are some recommended subject headings for searching for hurricane literature. Full steps on how to use these subject terms can be found on this LibGuide's homepage.

Hurricane Katrina, 2005 -- Fiction.
Hurricane Katrina, 2005 -- Literary collections.
Hurricanes -- Fiction.
Hurricanes -- Gulf States.
Hurricanes -- Juvenile fiction.
Hurricanes -- Louisiana.
Hurricanes -- Louisiana -- Cheniere Caminada -- Fiction.
Hurricanes -- Louisiana -- Cheniere Caminada -- Juvenile fiction.
Louisiana -- Hurricanes.

Hurricane Images Banner information

Images in the banner from left to right are numbered below 1 to 8.

1. Hurricane Audrey  2. Hurricane Betsy  3. Hurricane Camille  4. Hurricane Andrew  
5. Hurricane Katrina  6. Hurricane Rita  7. Hurricane Gustav  8. Hurricane Ike

Images 1-4 are in the public domain because they contain materials that originally came from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, taken or made as part of an employee's official duties. 
Images 5-8 are in the public domain in the United States because they were solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted". (See NASA copyright policy page.)