Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Guide for Biological and Agricultural Engineering. This guide is a great starting place for research!
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Reference Sources
Subject-specific dictionaries are useful for those working on cross-disciplinary projects and students new to a discipline.
- Ane's Encyclopedic Dictionary of General and Applied Entomology byPublication Date: 2008Keeping the requirements of teachers and researchers in mind, this encyclopedic dictionary presents the terminology in entomology and pest management in the most authentic and comprehensive way. It also includes terms related to the close relatives of insects, such as mites and ticks and some other organisms which are pests of crops.
- The Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution byPublication Date: 2005Packed with 13000 descriptions of terms, specimens, sites and names, this invaluable research and study tool covers a broad range of subjects including human biology, physical anthropology, primatology, physiology, genetics, paleontology and zoology. The volume also includes over 1000 word roots, taxonomies and reference tables for extinct, recent and extant primates, and illustrations of landmarks, bones and muscles. It is essential for students, researchers, and anyone with an interest in human biology or evolution.
- A Dictionary of Genetics byPublication Date: 2006This eighth edition of A Dictionary of Genetics contains over 7,500 up-to-date and cross-referenced entries, including 540 that are newly written. The entries include the latest terminology, concepts, theories, and techniques, covering not only genetics but also such overlapping disciplines as cell biology, medicine, and evolutionary biology. The fully revised six appendices are a unique source of detailed supplementary information, including a chronology of scientific and technological breakthroughs spanning the period from 1590 to the present, lists of useful internet sites and journals, and a table of sample genome sizes and gene numbers. A Dictionary of Genetics continues to be the definitive reference work for students, educators, and clinicians in the field of genetics.
- Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology byPublication Date: 2006This Third, Revised Edition of a unique, encyclopaedic reference work covers the whole field of pure and applied microbiology and microbial molecular biology in one volume. The Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Third Edition, Revised:
Reflects the latest developments in the field
Features over 18,000 entries from concise definitions of terms to review-length articles
Provides extensive cross-referencing between topics
Includes numerous references from scientific journals and other relevant sources
With its wide-ranging description of different areas of microbiology, the Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Third Edition, Revised is an indispensable reference for every researcher, lecturer and student. - Dictionary of Zoo Biology and Animal Management byPublication Date: 2013This dictionary is intended as a guide to the terminology used in a wide range of animal-related programmes of study including agriculture, animal care, animal management, animal production, animal welfare, veterinary nursing, wildlife conservation and zoo biology. In total it contains over 5,300 entries. It contains a wide range of terms used in the fields of veterinary science, physiology and zoology, as students whose primary interests are animal welfare or zoo biology also need to have some understanding of disease, how animal bodies function and how animals are classified. It also contains some legal terms, and reference to some legal cases, to help students understand how the protection, use and conservation of animals is regulated by the law. Some people, famous animals, literature and films have influenced the way we think about, and behave towards, animals. For this reason, the book includes references to important books about animals, famous animals who have starred in films or been the subject of scientific studies, along with short biographies of famous scientists and others who have studied animals or established conservation or animal welfare organisations.
- Medical Terminology Demystified byPublication Date: 2006There's no easier, faster, or more practical way to learn the really tough subjects Medical Terminology Demystified covers all the basic terms of disease and injury, abnormal anatomy and physiology, surgical techniques, drugs, and other therapies--in the context of real, practical health issues. This self-teaching guide comes complete with key points, background information, quizzes at the end of each chapter, and even a final exam.
- The Penguin Dictionary of Biology byPublication Date: 2004Worried about your maternal effect or biological clock? Need to know a rhizoid from a rhizome? Think you’re going to fail your zoology or botany exam? The Penguin Dictionary of Biology is your saviour, defining some 6000 terms relating to this rich, complex and constantly expanding subject – from amino acids, bacteria and the cell cycle to X-ray diffraction, Y chromosome and zygotes. Long established as the definitive single-volume source, this dictionary has sold over 200,000 copies and is extensively updated for its eleventh edition.
- Encyclopedia of Systems Biology byPublication Date: 2013Systems biology refers to the quantitative analysis of the dynamic interactions among several components of a biological system and aims to understand the behavior of the system as a whole. Systems biology involves the development and application of systems theory concepts for the study of complex biological systems through iteration over mathematical modeling, computational simulation and biological experimentation.
- Encylopaedia of Molecular Biology byPublication Date: 1994The Encylopaedia of Molecular Biology is a truly unique workof reference. 6000 definitions cover the entire spectrum of molecular lifescience The complete one-volume guide to understanding the waymolecular biology is transforming medicine and agriculture Long and short entries written by over 300 of the world'sfinest researchers For rapid research or detailed study ... this is the A to Z ofthe New Biology
- Encyclopedia of Insects byPublication Date: 2009Encyclopedia of Insects was acclaimed as the most comprehensive work devoted to insects. Covering all aspects of insect anatomy, physiology, evolution, behavior, reproduction, ecology, and disease, as well as issues of exploitation, conservation, and management, this book sets the standard in entomology. The second edition of this reference will continue the tradition by providing the most comprehensive, useful, and up-to-date resource for professionals. Expanded sections in forensic entomology, biotechnology and Drosphila, reflect the full update of over 300 topics. Articles contributed by over 260 high profile and internationally recognized entomologists provide definitive facts regarding all insects from ants, beetles, and butterflies to yellow jackets, zoraptera, and zygentoma.
- Encyclopedia of Geobiology byPublication Date: 2011The interplay between Geology and Biology has shaped the Earth from the early Precambrian, 3.8 billion years ago. The complex interdependence of life and non-living matter induces alterations of the chemical environment, precipitation or destruction of minerals and rocks, the accumulation or leaching of ores, as well as the formation and degradation of hydrocarbon resources. Moving beyond the borders of the classical core disciplines, Geobiology strives to identify cause-and-effect chains and synergisms between the geo- and the biospheres that have been driving evolution of life in modern and ancient environments. Combining modern methods, geobiological information can be extracted not only from visible remains of organisms, but also from organic molecules, rock fabrics, minerals, isotopes and other tracers. Exploring these processes and their signatures also creates enormous applied potentials with respect to issues of environment protection, public health, energy and resource management. The Encyclopedia of Geobiology is designed as a key reference for students, researchers, teachers, and the informed public to provide basic, but comprehensible knowledge on this rapidly expanding dicipline at the interface between modern geo- and biosciences.
- Peptides from A to Z byPublication Date: 2008This mini-encyclopedia contains more than 1,500 alphabetical entries from the entire field of peptide science in one handy volume, as well as the technical terms, acronyms and concepts used in peptide chemistry. It also features the complete sequence of more than 800 peptides, numerous illustrations and numerous cross-references. Areas covered include: - biological peptides and small proteins - peptide hormones - pharmaceutical peptides - peptide antibiotics - peptide inhibitors - peptide reagents - peptide tags - structural classes - synthesis and purification - analytical methods - proteomics and peptidomics. Condensed yet accessible, only essential information is displayed, extensively linked via references to the recent scientific literature for further study.
- Concise Encyclopedia of Bioresource Technology byPublication Date: 1996The Concise Encyclopedia of Bioresource Technology is a unique resource for state-of-the-art research findings on biotechnological innovations and their potential for commercial exploitation. This comprehensive reference gives you immediate access to information on the application of bioresource technology as it relates to industrial, food, and environmental biotechnology. Practitioners, academics, and researchers representing a wide range of disciplines examine vital issues including the production and applications of microbial enzymes and organic acids, fermentation, wastewater treatment, and air pollution
- Concise Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology byPublication Date: 2004An easy-to-use single reference source covering the full range of subject areas associated with plant pathology! This comprehensive volume covers the entire field of plant pathology. It does not merely define the numerous subjects covered (297 topics carefully arranged in 38 sections!) but describes them in detail. Each section of this book serves as a comprehensive overview of a given area, providing breadth of coverage for students and depth of coverage for research professionals.
- Human Evolution byCall Number: GN281 .R412313 2004Publication Date: 2004(Physical Books) A fascinating and wide-ranging look at the controversies surrounding the search for the origins of the human species.
- Concise Encyclopedia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology byPublication Date: 1996"In summary, this encyclopedia is a quick and up-to-date reference covering most of the terms used in the very fast growing fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. It is recommended to students and researchers in biology."Jörg Schwender in: Journal of Plant Physiology 1-2 1998
- Chemical Biology byPublication Date: 2012Comprising carefully selected reprints from the Encyclopedia as well as new contributions from leading scholars in the field, this book provides researchers in academia and industry with important information to aid in the development of novel agents to treat disease. Self-contained articles cover a variety of essential topics, including:
The design, development, and optimization of drug candidates;
The pharmacokinetics and properties of drugs
Drug transport and delivery;
Natural products and natural product models as pharmaceuticals;
Biological mechanisms underlying health and disease;
And treatment strategies for a range of diseases, from HIV to schizophrenia
- Handbook of Bio-/Neuroinformatics byPublication Date: 2014The Springer Handbook of Bio-/Neuro-Informatics is the first published book in one volume that explains together the basics and the state-of-the-art of two major science disciplines in their interaction and mutual relationship, namely: information sciences, bioinformatics and neuroinformatics. Bioinformatics is the area of science which is concerned with the information processes in biology and the development and applications of methods, tools and systems for storing and processing of biological information thus facilitating new knowledge discovery. Neuroinformatics is the area of science which is concerned with the information processes in biology and the development and applications of methods, tools and systems for storing and processing of biological information thus facilitating new knowledge discovery. The text contains 62 chapters organized in 12 parts, 6 of them covering topics from information science and bioinformatics, and 6 cover topics from information science and neuroinformatics. Each chapter consists of three main sections: introduction to the subject area, presentation of methods and advanced and future developments. The Springer Handbook of Bio-/Neuroinformatics can be used as both a textbook and as a reference for postgraduate study and advanced research in these areas. The target audience includes students, scientists, and practitioners from the areas of information, biological and neurosciences.
- Handbook of Microalgal Culture byPublication Date: 2013Algae are some of the fastest growing organisms in the world, with up to 90% of their weight made up from carbohydrate, protein and oil. As well as these macromolecules, microalgae are also rich in other high-value compounds, such as vitamins, pigments, and biologically active compounds, All these compounds can be extracted for use by the cosmetics, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and food industries, and the algae itself can be used for feeding of livestock, in particular fish, where on-going research is dedicated to increasing the percentage of fish and shellfish feed not derived from fish meal. Microalgae are also applied to wastewater bioremediation and carbon capture from industrial flue gases, and can be used as organic fertilizer. So far, only a few species of microalgae, including cyanobacteria, are under mass cultivation. The potential for expansion is enormous, considering the existing hundreds of thousands of species and subspecies, in which a large gene-pool offers a significant potential for many new producers. Completely revised, updated and expanded, this extremely important book contains 37 chapters. Nineteen of these chapters introduce many advanced and emerging technologies and applications such as novel photobioreactors, mass cultivation of oil-bearing microalgae for biofuels, exploration of naturally occurring and genetically engineered microalgae as cell factories for high-value chemicals, and techno-economic analysis of microalgal mass culture. This new edition contains details of the biology and large-scale culture of several economically important and newly-exploited microalgae, including Botryococcus, Chlamydomonas, Nannochloropsis, Nostoc, Chlorella, Spirulina, Haematococcus, and Dunaniella species/strains.
- Handbook of Stem Cells byPublication Date: 2013New discoveries in the field of stem cells increasingly dominate the news and scientific literature revealing an avalanche of new knowledge and research tools that are producing therapies for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and a wide variety of other diseases that afflict humanity. The Handbook of Stem Cells integrates this exciting area of life science, combining in two volumes the requisites for a general understanding of adult and embryonic stem cells. Organized in two volumes entitled Pluripotent Stem Cells & Cell Biology and Adult & Fetal Stem Cells, this work contains contributions from the world's experts in stem cell research to provide a description of the tools, methods, and experimental protocols needed to study and characterize stem cells and progenitor populations as well as a the latest information of what is known about each specific organ system.
- Stem Cells Handbook byPublication Date: 2013Stem Cells Handbook, Second Edition discusses the critical areas of progress in stem cells, including the most recent research and applications of pluripotent embryonic cells, induced pluripotent cells, oligopotent tissue stem cells and cancer stem cells. 36 chapters - written by the experts in the field - cover basic knowledge of stem cell biology, stem cell ethics, development of techniques for applying stem cell therapy, the technology of obtaining appropriate cells for transplantation as well as the role of stem cells in cancer and how therapy may be directed to cancer stem cells. This new volume is essential reading for all scientists currently in the field or allied research areas, and those for those graduate students who envision a career in stem cells.
- The Handbook of Plant Metabolomics byPublication Date: 2013This is the newest title in the successful Molecular Plant Biology Handbook Series. Just like the other titles in the series, this new title gives an excellent overview of different approaches and techniques in the field. Contributors are either from ivy-league research institutions or from companies developing new technologies in this dynamic and fast-growing field. With its approach to introduce current techniques in plant metabolomics to a wider audience and with many labs and companies considering using introducing metabolomics for their research, the title meets a growing market. The Kahl books are in addition a trusted brand for the plant science community and have always sold above expectations.
- Handbook of Systems Biology byPublication Date: 2013This book provides an entry point into Systems Biology for researchers in genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology and biomedical science to understand the key concepts to expanding their work. Chapters organized around broader themes of Organelles and Organisms, Systems Properties of Biological Processes, Cellular Networks, and Systems Biology and Disease discuss the development of concepts, the current applications, and the future prospects. Emphasis is placed on concepts and insights into the multi-disciplinary nature of the field as well as the importance of systems biology in human biological research. Technology, being an extremely important aspect of scientific progress overall, and in the creation of new fields in particular, is discussed in 'boxes' within each chapter to relate to appropriate topics.
- Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology I byPublication Date: 2011The premiere two-volume reference on revelations from studying complex microbial communities in many distinct habitats. Metagenomics is an emerging field that has changed the way microbiologists study microorganisms. It involves the genomic analysis of microorganisms by extraction and cloning of DNA from a group of microorganisms, or the direct use of the purified DNA or RNA for sequencing, which allows scientists to bypass the usual protocol of isolating and culturing individual microbial species. This method is now used in laboratories across the globe to study microorganism diversity and for isolating novel medical and industrial compounds. Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology is the first comprehensive two-volume reference to cover unculturable microorganisms in a large variety of habitats, which could not previously have been analyzed without metagenomic methodology. It features review articles as well as a large number of case studies, based largely on original publications and written by international experts.
- Handbook of the Biology of Aging byPublication Date: 2011Handbook of the Biology of Aging, Seventh Edition, reviews and synthesizes recent findings and discoveries in the field. This volume is part of The Handbooks of Aging series, which also includes The Handbook of the Psychology of Aging and The Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences. The book is organized into two parts. Part 1 covers basic aging processes. It covers concepts relevant to clinical research, such as muscle, adipose tissue, and stem cells. It discusses research on how dietary restriction can slow down the aging process and extend life in a wide range of species. Part 2 deals with the medical physiology of aging. It contains several chapters on the aging of the human brain. These chapters deal not only with diseases but also with normal aging changes to cerebral vasculature and myelination as well as the clinical implications of those changes. Additional chapters cover how aging affects central features of human health such as insulin secretion, pulmonary and cardiac function, and the ability to maintain body weight and body temperature. The volume is primarily directed at basic researchers who wish to keep abreast of new research outside their own subdiscipline. It will also be useful to medical, behavioral, and social gerontologists who want to learn about the discoveries of basic scientists and clinicians. Contains basic aging processes as determined by animal research as well as medical physiology of aging as known in humans Covers hot areas of research, like stem cells, integrated with longstanding areas of interest in aging like telomeres, mitochondrial function, etc. Edited by one of the fathers of gerontology (Masoro) and contributors represent top scholars in gerintology
- PEEK Biomaterials Handbook byPublication Date: 2012PEEK biomaterials are currently used in thousands of spinal fusion patients around the world every year. Durability, biocompatibility and excellent resistance to aggressive sterilization procedures make PEEK a polymer of choice, replacing metal in orthopedic implants, from spinal implants and hip replacements to finger joints and dental implants. This Handbook brings together experts in many different facets related to PEEK clinical performance as well as in the areas of materials science, tribology, and biology to provide a complete reference for specialists in the field of plastics, biomaterials, medical device design and surgical applications. Steven Kurtz, author of the well respected UHMWPE Biomaterials Handbook and Director of the Implant Research Center at Drexel University, has developed a one-stop reference covering the processing and blending of PEEK, its properties and biotribology, and the expanding range of medical implants using PEEK: spinal implants, hip and knee replacement, etc. Covering materials science, tribology and applications, Kurtz provides a complete reference for specialists in the field of plastics, biomaterials, biomedical engineering and medical device design and surgical applications.
- Handbook of Cell Signaling byPublication Date: 2009Handbook of Cell Signaling, Three-Volume Set, 2e, is a comprehensive work covering all aspects of intracellular signal processing, including extra/intracellular membrane receptors, signal transduction, gene expression/translation, and cellular/organotypic signal responses. The second edition is an up-to-date, expanded reference with each section edited by a recognized expert in the field. Tabular and well illustrated, the Handbook will serve as an in-depth reference for this complex and evolving field. Handbook of Cell Signaling, 2/e will appeal to a broad, cross-disciplinary audience interested in the structure, biochemistry, molecular biology and pathology of cellular effectors.
- The Handbook of Plant Mutation Screening byPublication Date: 2010Induced mutagenesis is a common and promising method for screening for new crops with improved properties. This title introduces the different methods and then focuses on the screening, detection and analysis of the novel mutations. Written by a global team of authors the book is an indispensable tool for all scientists working on crop breeding in industry and academia.
- Molecular Biomethods Handbook byPublication Date: 2008Recent advances in the biosciences have led to a range of powerful new technologies, particularly nucleic acid, protein and cell-based methodologies. The most recent insights have come to affect how scientists investigate and define cellular processes at the molecular level. Molecular Biomethods Handbook, 2nd Edition expands upon the techniques included in the first edition, providing theory, outlines of practical procedures, and applications for a range of techniques. Part A of the book describes nucleic acid methods, such as gene expression profiling, microarray analysis and quantitative PCR. In Part B, protein and cell-based methods are outlined, in subjects ranging from protein engineering to high throughput screening. Written by a well-established panel of research scientists, Molecular Biomethods Handbook, 2nd Edition provides an up to date collection of methods used regularly in the authors own research programs. This book will prove to be an invaluable reference for those engaged in or entering the field of molecular biology, and will provide the necessary background for those interested in setting up and using the latest molecular techniques.
Taxonomy is the describing, identifying, classifying, and naming of organisms. Knowing the taxonomic name for an organism you are interested in will aid you in searching databases for articles. Use the sources below to locate taxonomic names as well as citations to publications which describe, identify, classify, or name an organism. Many encyclopedias also include taxonomic names in entries about specific organisms.
- Animal Diversity WebAnimal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan.
- Bioinformatics servicesWe maintain the world’s most comprehensive range of freely available and up-to-date molecular databases. Developed in collaboration with our colleagues worldwide, our services let you share data, perform complex queries and analyse the results in different ways.
- Catalogue of Life 2009 Annual ChecklistThe Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life is planned to become a comprehensive catalogue of all known species of organisms on Earth. Rapid progress has been made recently and this, the ninth edition of the Annual Checklist, contains 1,160,711species. Please note that this is probably just more than half of the world’s known species. This means that for many groups it continues to be deficient, and users will notice that many species are still missing from the Catalogue.
- Encyclopedia of LifeOur knowledge of the many life-forms on Earth - of animals, plants, fungi, protists and bacteria - is scattered around the world in books, journals, databases, websites, specimen collections, and in the minds of people everywhere. Imagine what it would mean if this information could be gathered together and made available to everyone – anywhere – at a moment’s notice.
- Gene Ontology ConsortiumThe Gene Ontology (GO) project is a collaborative effort to address the need for consistent descriptions of gene products across databases.
- ITIS: Integrated Taxonomic Information SystemHere you will find authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world. We are a partnership of U.S., Canadian, and Mexican agencies (ITIS-North America); other organizations; and taxonomic specialists. ITIS is also a partner of Species 2000 and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The ITIS and Species 2000 Catalogue of Life (CoL) partnership is proud to provide the taxonomic backbone to the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL).
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Taxonomy BrowserContains the names and phylogenetic lineages of more than 160,000 organisms that have molecular data in the NCBI databases. New taxa are added to the Taxonomy database as data are deposited for them.
- Developmental Biology Protocols byPublication Date: 2000Developmental Biology Protocols grows out of the need for a comprehensive laboratory manual that provides the readers the principles, background, rationale, as well as the practical protocols, for studying and analyzing the events of embryonic development. This three volume set, consisting of 142 chapters, is intentionally broad in scope, because of the nature of modern developmental biology. Information is grouped into the following topics: (1) systems—production, culture, and storage; (2) developmental pattern and morphogenesis; (3) embryo structure and function; (4) cell lineage analysis; (5) chimeras; (6) experimental manipulation of embryos; (7) application of viral vectors; (8) organogenesis; (9) abnormal development and teratology; (10) screening and mapping of novel genes and mutations; (11) transgenesis production and gene knockout; (12) manipulation of developmental gene expression and function; (13) analysis of gene expression; (14) models of morphogenesis and development; and (15) in vitro models and analysis of differentiation and development.
- Laboratory Protocols in Fungal Biology: Current Methods in Fungal Biology byPublication Date: 2013Laboratory Protocols in Fungal Biology presents the latest techniques in fungal biology. This book analyzes information derived through real experiments, and focuses on cutting edge techniques in the field. The book comprises 57 chapters contributed from internationally recognised scientists and researchers. Experts in the field have provided up-to-date protocols covering a range of frequently used methods in fungal biology. Almost all important methods available in the area of fungal biology viz. taxonomic keys in fungi; histopathological and microscopy techniques; proteomics methods; genomics methods; industrial applications and related techniques; and bioinformatics tools in fungi are covered and complied in one book. Chapters include introductions to their respective topics, list of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and notes on troubleshooting. Each chapter is self-contained and written in a style that enables the reader to progress from elementary concepts to advanced research techniques. Laboratory Protocols in Fungal Biology is a valuable tool for both beginner research workers and experienced professionals.
- Extracellular Matrix Protocols byPublication Date: 2000The extracellular matrix surrounds cells and tissue, thus providing structure to organisms. It plays a significant role in determining cell growth, development, and differentiation. It also has an impact upon cellular injury and repair. For these reasons, alterations in the extracellular matrix play a role in human disease and therefore studies of the extracellular matrix are vitally important for biological research. Because the extracellular matrix resides outside the cell, special protocols are required for its study that are different from those used in studies within the cell. This volume collects the most important protocols utilized for the study of the extracellular matrix.-- Indispensible protocols for all those working in the ECM/connective tissue area-- Novel approaches from the most prominent groups in the world-- Tried and tested methods with notes about pitfalls, etc.
- Gene Targeting Protocols byPublication Date: 2000In Gene Targeting Protocols, a panel of innovative investigators present in readily reproducible detail the latest techniques for gene replacement, gene knockout, and gene repair in both animals and plants. These expert researchers review the best gene transfer vehicles (liposomes, PEI, and EPD), discuss the parameters that affect vector uptake, and detail successful methods for gene targeting (Cre-ox, and adeno and adeno-associated viruses). The methods include two fundamentally different approaches to gene targeting- one using a fusion protein to deliver a vector to a virus for possible therapeutic effect, and one entailing an episomal-based Epstein-Barr vector that can modulate the chromatin assembly process, and thus overcome a serious barrier to therapeutic gene targeting. The book also has several techniques for using oligonucleotides in gene targeting, a methodology that may revolutionize the entire field. Innovative and wide ranging, Gene Targeting Protocols offers today's researchers robust and proven gene-targeting techniques that are essential to understanding and regulating biological processes at the genetic level.
- Laboratory Methods in Cell Biology: Imaging byPublication Date: 2013Cell biology spans among the widest diversity of methods in the biological sciences. From physical chemistry to microscopy, cells have given up with secrets only when the questions are asked in the right way! This new volume of Methods in Cell Biology covers laboratory methods in cell biology, and includes methods that are among the most important and elucidating in the discipline, such as bioluminescent imaging of gene expressions, confocal imaging, and electron microscopy of bone. Covers the most important laboratory methods in cell biology Chapters written by experts in their fields.
- Stress Response byPublication Date: 2000In is now understood that the response of mammalian cells to a wide variety of potentially toxic agents may be intimately linked with many human diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, ischemia, fever, infection, and cancer. In Stress Response: Methods and Protocols, Stephen Keyse has assembled a diverse collection of readily reproducible methods devoted to the study of these varied and powerful responses. Written by leading researchers expert in the techniques they describe, these detailed methods cover the detection and assay of stress-induced damage, the activation of a wide range of signal transduction pathways by cellular stress, stress-induced gene expression, and stress protein function. To ensure experimental success, step-by-step guidance is provided for each method, along with details of reagents, equipment, and other requirements. The methods include both well-established techniques and new technologies at the leading edge of research. Wide ranging and highly practical, Stress Response: Methods and Protocols provides a gold-standard bench manual for today's basic and clinical scientists working to understand how cells and tissues respond during physiological stress and in human disease.
- Enzyme Engineering byPublication Date: 2013Enzyme Engineering: Methods and Protocols provides guidance to investigators wishing to create enzyme variants with desired properties. This detailed volume covers such topics as a simple method for generating site-specific mutations within bacterial chromosomes. It also highlights the engineering of two difference types of rare-cutting endonucleases that show great potential in gene therapy applications: The newest development is the emergence of TAL effector nucleases or TALENs. Chapters describe newly developed technologies in sufficient detail so that each method can be practiced in a standard molecular biology laboratory. Written in the successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
- Human Stem Cell Technology and Biology byPublication Date: 2010Human Stem Cell Technology & Biology: A Research Guide and Laboratory Manual integrates readily accessible text, electronic and video components with the aim of effectively communicating the critical information needed to understand and culture human embryonic stem cells.
Key Features: An authoritative, comprehensive, multimedia training manual for stem cell researchers; Easy to follow step-by-step laboratory protocols and instructional videos provide a valuable resource; A must-have for developing laboratory course curriculums, training courses, and workshops in stem cell biology; Perspectives written by the world leaders in the field Introductory chapters will provide background information. - DNA Repair Protocols byPublication Date: 2000DNA repair has assumed a new importance with the discovery that malfunctioning of the DNA repair pathways in humans can lead to many disease states. In DNA Repair Protocols: Prokaryotic Systems, well-versed investigators describe in step-by-step detail a wide range of DNA repair activities, from single act-alone repair proteins to complex repair systems. These practical protocols not only detail the various repair activities found in cells, but also demonstrate the use of DNA repair proteins and systems as reagents in molecular biology and biotechnology. The techniques described here include mutation and polymorphism detection, which are useful in the search for disease genes and drug response genes, as well as for breeding and trait selection in animals and plants. Each readily reproducible protocol is presented by a hands-on expert in sufficient detail to ensure robust experimental results and is supplemented by chapter introductions, as well as notes offering a wealth of interesting and useful information. Compact and highly practical, DNA Repair Protocols: Prokaryotic Systems provides expert guidance to both the DNA repair researcher studying the fundamental aspects of DNA repair and the applied researcher in human genetics and biotechnology.
- E. Coli Gene Expression Protocols byPublication Date: 2003In E. coli Gene Expression Protocols, Peter E. Vaillancourt presents a collection of popular and emerging methodologies that take advantage of E. coli's ability to quickly and inexpensively express recombinant proteins. The authors focus on two areas of interest: the use of E. coli vectors and strains for production of pure, functional protein, and the use of E. coli as host for the functional screening of large collections of proteins and peptides. Among the cutting-edge techniques demonstrated are those for rapid high-level expression and purification of soluble and functional recombinant protein, and those essential to functional genomics, proteomics, and protein engineering. Described in step-by-step detail to ensure robust, trouble-free results, each proven method has been written by a hands-on expert and includes extensive notes and practical tips for avoiding pitfalls. Even highly skilled researchers will find many time-saving techniques. Authoritative and highly practical, E. coli Gene Expression Protocols provides a state-of-the-art collection of tested methods for this powerful gene expression technology, offering today's investigators proven tools for success in the emerging fields of functional genomics and proteomics.
- MHC Protocols byPublication Date: 2003Many of the genes found in the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC:HLA region) are subject to extreme polymorphism. HLA polymorphism has been used extensively in solid organ and bone marrow transplantation to match donors and recipients. Many MHC genes also have significant disease association and play a pivotal role in the control of immune response. In MHC Protocols, leading experts detail readily reproducible methods for identifying these polymorphisms in the human MHC. Described in step-by-step detail to ensure robust and successful experimental results, these techniques provide DNA-based protocols for the study of polymorphism in HLA class I and II genes and in non-HLA HMC genes associated with human disease (TAP1, TAP2, C2, C4, and TNF-a). The authors also describe methods for accessing HLA sequence data from electronic databases designed to catalog HLA-region genes and their alleles. Each method is written by an investigator who has used the technique extensively and includes troubleshooting tips and notes on pitfalls to avoid. Comprehensive and highly practical, MHC Protocols offers both experienced and novice investigators not only a state-of-the-art overview of this dramatically evolving area of immunology, but also a reliable guide to the identification of MHC gene polymorphisms.
- In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols byPublication Date: 2002In the post-genome era, in vitro mutagenesis has emerged as the critically important tool used by molecular biologists in establishing the functions of components of the proteome. In this second edition of In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols, active researchers with proven track records describe in stepwise fashion their advanced mutagenesis techniques. Each contributor focuses on improvements to conventional site-directed mutagenesis, with chapters being devoted to chemical site-directed mutagenesis; PCR-based mutagenesis and the modifications that allow high-throughput experiments; and mutagenesis based on gene disruption that is both in vitro- and in situ-based. Additional methods are provided for in vitro gene evolution; for gene disruption based on transposon, recombination, and cassette mutagenesis; and for facilitating the introduction of multiple mutations. Each readily reproducible technique includes detailed step-by-step instructions, tips on pitfalls to avoid, and notes on reagents and suppliers. Time-tested and highly practical, the techniques in In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols, Second Edition offer today's molecular biologists a rich compendium of reliable and powerful techniques with which to illuminate the proteome.
- Probes and Tags to Study Biomolecular Function byPublication Date: 2008The only resource to systematically review current experimental methods, this handy reference enables researchers to select the best solution for their experimental problems. For each method covered, the book provides step-by-step protocols, illustrated by typical research applications. After an initial section on probing the lipid bilayer, the text moves on to discuss probing proteins -- including membrane proteins -- and nucleic acids. The first single publication to incorporate chemical markers, fluorescent probes and genetic tags allows a well-informed comparison of different solutions for the same problem in molecular analytics.
- Proteoglycan Protocols byPublication Date: 2001Proteoglycans, highly complex macromolecules found in mammalian and lower organisms, serve a multitude of biological functions. In Proteoglycan Protocols, Renato Iozzo, MD, and an authoritative team of investigators present for the first time a comprehensive and up-to-date collection of readily reproducible preparative and analytical methods for the in-depth analysis of these important compounds. Featuring step-by-step protocols, this book will enable both novice and experienced researchers to isolate intact proteoglycans from tissues and cultured cells, to establish the composition of their carbohydrate moieties, and to generate strategies for prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression. There are also detailed techniques for the suppression of specific proteoglycan genes, for the detection of mutant cells and their degradation products, and for studying specific interactions between proteoglycans and extracellular matrix proteins and with growth factors and their receptors. Each method is carefully described by leading experts in the field and includes practical considerations that are often lacking in formal papers. Authoritative and detailed, Proteoglycan Protocols offers molecular and cellular biologists, biochemists, pathologists, and geneticists a comprehensive reference and practical guide to the most common methods used today for the isolation and characterization of proteoglycans from cultured cells, tissues, and biological fluids.