LIS 7405 Public Libraries
Helpful resources for completing work in LIS 7405 (spring 2020)
Research & Instruction Librarian
How Does Discovery Work?
Discovery isn't a database; it's a discovery layer. It allows users to search our catalog and multiple databases at one time. It's important to remember that Discovery doesn't search every database to which LSU Libraries subscribes. Discovery can be useful for a quick search, but the smaller, subject-specific databases are usually better for serious searching. These subject-specific databases will yield fewer results, but the the results will be more relevant.
LIS Databases
Discovery and Academic Search Complete are great places for general research, but if you are looking for specialized information, you should use subject-specific databases.
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text This link opens in a new windowLibrary, Information Science & Technology Abstracts,(LISTA) indexes more than 600 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s. Non-LSU Affiliates may click here for access a limited version of LISTA for free.
- Library Literature & Information Science Full Text (H. W. Wilson) This link opens in a new windowReflecting the latest trends in a rapidly evolving field, this database indexes English and foreign-language periodicals, selected state journals, conference proceedings, pamphlets, books, and library school theses, plus over 300 books per year. This invaluable resource delivers full text articles cover to cover from over a hundred select publications. PDF page images of the full text articles bring researchers charts, graphs, photos, and other valuable graphical information. Providing enhanced access to your periodical collection, this database also steers users to valuable information on the Web with hotlinks to sites mentioned in articles.
- Library Literature & Information Science Retrospective: 1905-1983 (H. W. Wilson) This link opens in a new windowSearch the content of over 1,200 periodicals back as far as 1905. Nearly 80 years of citations document all the innovations, controversies, and people that shaped modern librarianship.