AEEE 3011 Public Engagement Strategies for Agricultural Research
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AP Style Help
- Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual by Associated Press Staff; Norm GoldsteinCall Number: PN4783 .A83 54TH ED. 2019ISBN: 9780201339857The style of the Associated Press defines clear news writing. In fact, more people write for the AP news service than for any single newspaper or broadcaster in the world. The AP Stylebook is therefore ”the journalist’s bible,” an essential handbook for all writers, editors, students, and public-relations specialists. The AP Stylebook contains over 5,000 entries laying out the AP’s rules on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage. It gives journalists the references they need to write about the world today: correct names of countries and organizations, language to avoid, common trademarks. Special sections cover business and sports reporting. This edition, published in the Associated Press’s 150th year, also includes crucial advice on how writers can guard against libel and copyright infringement.An up-to-date AP Stylebook belongs on the desk of every working writer.
Avoiding Plagiarism
"What is Plagiarism?
Nearly everyone understands that copying passages verbatim from another writer's work and representing them as one's own work constitute plagiarism. Yet plagiarism involves much more. At LSU plagiarism is defined to include any use of another's work and submitting that work as one's own. This means not only copying passages of writing or direct quotations but also paraphrasing or using structure or ideas without citation. Learning how to paraphrase and when and how to cite is an essential step in maintaining academic integrity." From LSU Student Advocacy & Accountability
Here are some links to help you avoid plagiarism when working on your papers.
- How to generate a citation using DisoveryA short tutorial on how to get a citation using Discovery.
Is writing not your strongest suit? That's okay! If you need writing assistance, we HIGHLY recommend the CXC writing center. They can help you.
- CXC Writing SupportCxC’s writing coaches help students with any kind of writing! From essays and research papers to personal statements, application letters, and oral presentations. **All sessions are by appointment only.
APA Citations Guide
This guide covers the importance of academic integrity and the basics of citing sources in different styles.
- Basics of APA Style TutorialThis tutorial is designed for those who have no previous knowledge of APA Style®. It shows users how to structure and format their work, recommends ways to reduce bias in language, identifies how to avoid charges of plagiarism, shows how to cite references in text, and provides selected reference examples.
- Last Updated: Feb 4, 2025 2:26 PM
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