AEEE 3011 Public Engagement Strategies for Agricultural Research
This course guide is for students in the AEEE 3011 Public Engagement Strategies for Agricultural Research class.
Starting Your Research- Finding a Topic Idea
To build your knowledge about a topic that you are interested in, it's best to first consult popular/mainstream sources of information. These sources of information are directed at the general reading public and their purpose (usually) is to inform.
The links below will take you to freely available online popular/mainstream sources of information on issues in agriculture.
- BBC News- Science and EnvironmentGet the latest BBC Science and Environment News: breaking news, analysis and debate on science and nature in the UK and around the world.
- Conservation- ScienceMagLatest stories from Science Magazine
- Discover Magazine : AnimalsLatest news stories, theories, and developments in the world of science
- eXtensioneXtension is an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from the best land-grant university minds across America.
- Food DiveA website that gives you a brief over-view of issues in the food industry.
- Live Science- AnimalsA science based website (non-scholarly) that contains great articles on issues in the animal world.
- Live Science- Plant EarthA science based website (non-scholarly) that contains interesting stories on current issues on Planet Earth.
- New York Times: Agriculture and FarmingNew York Times articles with agriculture and farming as the focus.
- New York Times: AnimalsNews about animals
- New York Times: Climate and EnvironmentNews about climate and the environment
- ScienceDailyYour source for the latest research news
- ScienceMagGreat source of news about the environment. This is considered "scholarly" and "peer-reviewed" BUT many of the articles published are NOT original research articles. Make sure you are paying attention when using this as a source. Original Research articles will publish their sources.
- Last Updated: Feb 4, 2025 2:26 PM
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