Battle of Baton Rouge
Camp Breckinridge, August 9, 1862
Total Confederate Loss: 478
Baton Rouge, La., August 6, 1862
CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report that an attack was made early yesterday morning by a Confederate force of about ten regiments, under command of Maj. Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, and that after a fight of four hours' duration and of great severity the enemy was repulsed. I regret to state that Brigadier-General Williams was killed on the field by a rifle-ball through the chest. During the battle our forces were obliged to reitre about a quarter of a mile from our original position, and the enemy were thus able to occupy temporarily the camps of the Twenty-first Indiana, Seventh Vermont, and Fourteenth Maine Regiments, and to destroy much of the baggage and camp equipage. They were however, driven out, but our number being much lessened by sickness, and the men on the field being much exhausted by fatigue and heat, it was deemed inexpedient to pursue. I am unable as yet to give a report of our casualties, which I am sorry to say are considerable.
The enemy has retired several miles, and from all I can learn are still retiring. I am expecting it possible they may receive re-enforcements, and am disposing my troops in the strongest positions. Our force engaged numbered less than 2,500. The enemy had at least 5,000, with twelve or fourteen field pieces and some cavalry.
The ram Arkansas approached with the intention of engaging our gunboats, but grounded above the point at a distance of about 5 miles, and to-day was engaged by the iron-clad Essex and destroyed.
Inclosed is a copy of communication received by a flag of truce from Major-General Breckinrdige and my reply thereto. You will see by the latter that Brigadier-General Clark and his aide-de-camp have delivered themselves up as prisoners of war. I have also fully 70 wounded prisoners, that were left on the field ; also about 30 captured. I would like instructions as to the disposition you wish made of them. Some of them express a wish to be paroled.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel, Commanding Post
Total Union Loss: 371
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