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Martin Luther King, Jr.

A resource guide to the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Dr. King received several hundred awards for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement. Among them were:


Who's Who in America.

Among Time's most outstanding personalities of the year.

Spingarn Medal from NAACP.

National Newspaper Publishers Russwurm Award.


Guardian Association of the Police Department of New York: Second Annual Achievement Award.


Listed as one of the sixteen world leaders who had contributed most to the advancement of freedom in 1959 in Link Magazine of New Dehli, India.


Named Man of the Year by Time.

Named American of the Decade by Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Die Workers International Union.


United Federation of Teachers: John Dewey Award.

Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago: John F. Kennedy Award.

Nobel Peace Prize: At age 35, Dr. King was the youngest man, the second American, and the third black man awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. More information: click here


Jamaican Government: Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference: Rosa L. Parks Award.

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