Dr. King received several hundred awards for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement. Among them were:
1957 |
Who's Who in America. |
Among Time's most outstanding personalities of the year. |
Spingarn Medal from NAACP. |
National Newspaper Publishers Russwurm Award. |
1958 | Guardian Association of the Police Department of New York: Second Annual Achievement Award. |
1959 |
Listed as one of the sixteen world leaders who had contributed most to the advancement of freedom in 1959 in Link Magazine of New Dehli, India. |
1963 |
Named Man of the Year by Time. |
Named American of the Decade by Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Die Workers International Union. | |
1964 |
United Federation of Teachers: John Dewey Award. |
Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago: John F. Kennedy Award. |
Nobel Peace Prize: At age 35, Dr. King was the youngest man, the second American, and the third black man awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. More information: click here. |
1968 |
Jamaican Government: Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights. |
Southern Christian Leadership Conference: Rosa L. Parks Award. |