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U.S. Census Data & Statistics

This guide provides information and tools needed for researching U.S. Census data and statistics.

DATA.CENSUS.GOV is the primary Census website for disseminating data. It is designed to be a centralized platform for users to browse data, build custom tables, explore city profiles, and create data visualizations. In addition to the 2020 Census, data from the American Community Survey and the Current Population Survey are included on the website.

On, you have the option of either conducting a Basic Search or an Advanced Search.


  • Basic Search: a single search bar that allows you to enter search terms for various topics



  • Advanced Search: more precise than because it allows users to be more selective when searching across the range of datasets, pages, and filters included on the census website. This also allows users to select which survey or census they would like to search within.
    • Example: What the advanced search page results page will look like once to apply your filters to find the "population for all census tracks in EBRP, LA." It is important to remember that after you apply your filters, to search you have to select the blue search button that appears on the bottom right of the screen.