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Interlibrary Loan Overview

How to use LSU Libraries' Interlibrary Loan services

Request Journal Articles and/or Book Chapters

Click the link here to request a journal article manually or use the Discovery search at the top of the Libraries homepage. Search the article title or subject in Discovery then below the search result click “Request through LSU Interlibrary Loan."

When filling out the ILL request from through ILLiad, make sure fill out the information needed for all *required fields, and select submit when you're done.

When requesting a book chapter through ILL, the form will look similar to the one below, but instead of asking users for the journal title, issue, and volume, it will ask for the book title, chapter title, and publisher.

Requesting Through Discovery

If you find the perfect article for you research on Discovery but it says "Request through LSU Interlibrary Loan" instead of "PDF Full Text" or "Full Access," just click "Request through LSU Interlibrary Loan" and it will take you to the form above.

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