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Veterinary - New Vet Med Faculty / Staff: Course Textbooks


Faculty are encouraged to work with the Vet Med Library to make sure that VMED course textbooks areVeterinary Medicine Textbooks identified and adopted in a timely manner. This ensures the textbook guide will remain current, that the books may be purchased for the library collection, and copies made available to students for sale in the LSU Bookstore.

Course Textbook Resources for SVM Faculty

View a list of textbooks designated for VMED courses, with links to the latest eBook editions or print catalog records. If you do not see your course listed, contact us!

Textbook adoptions

  1. Faculty may submit textbook adoptions by responding to inquiries from Vet Med Library staff about course textbooks prior to the start of a new semester.

  1. Faculty may submit textbook adoptions themselves using the Adoption & Insights Portal (AIP). Learn more about the AIP here or contact the LSU Bookstore Manager to access this tool.
    • Review your curated, personalized course list – no searching or adding your own courses.  
    • Re-adopt course materials used in a previous term in ONE click. 
    • Review estimated student pricing and available formats.


  • Make sure to denote if materials are Required or Recommended.
  • Scholarship students are only authorized to receive materials that are required for a course.
  • The quantity of textbooks ordered for a course by the Bookstore is based on whether a book is required or not, past sales in that course, and any changes to the enrollment of a course or price of a book.
  • Having your adoption information submitted early can allow the Bookstore to secure a greater number of used books for your course.
  • If your course does not use a textbook (or instead uses an e-textbook from the library), please let the Vet Med Library know by email. We will inform the bookstore so that it does not appear on the no textbooks list.
  • Consider using low or no-cost alternative (AER and OER) materials.

LSU Textbook Resources

Learn more about LSU Libraries' e-textbook initiative

Learn more about Open Education Resource & Affordable Education Resource materials at LSU

Find Free Or Affordable Content

Search for available and eligible e-textbooks for your courses.

The Affordable Learning LOUISiana OER repository is a digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the state and the world to improve curriculum

OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum.

OpenStax is part of Rice University, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable corporation, and publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed, openly licensed college textbooks that are free online and low cost in print.

Provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners, and researchers.

If you are a new faculty member or just want a refresher on Vet Med Library services and resources, schedule an individual orientation today!