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Veterinary - New Vet Med Faculty / Staff: Teaching and Faculty Support

Teaching and Faculty Support

Schedule an individual library orientation based on your interests and role at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine

Library instruction can be tailored for specific course or assignment learning objectives (Guides and tutorials may also be requested)

Ask for assistance with literature searches by submitting our request form

Veterinary subject guides allow access to curated lists of materials pertaining to various veterinary medicine subjects while instructional guides show how to access library materials and improve your information literacy knowledge

Learn about the responsible use of library materials in online courses (Courtesy of LSU Library)

Receive pdf scans of articles that are owned only in print format in the Vet Med Library

Let us know if there is a resource you think will enhance the Vet Med Library's collection by submitting our request form

If you are a new faculty member or just want a refresher on Vet Med Library services and resources, schedule an individual orientation today!