Veterinary - New Vet Med Faculty / Staff: The Basics
Welcome all new LSU School of Veterinary Medicine faculty and staff!
Please use the following guide to learn about library resources and services.
We look forward to serving your information needs!
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LSU Vet Med Outreach Librarian
Access to Library Resources
Important Note: Always begin your search for library resources at the Vet Med Library website. Database links on the Vet Med Library homepage will allow access to Vet Med resources when available. Only Vet Med affiliates can access Vet Med Library online resources.
Learn how to use different library tools to find relevant resources
Learn about loan periods, renewing, and returning Vet Med Library materials
Select a database from the Vet Med Library's home page
Request materials not owned by LSU Libraries from other library institutions
Receive pdf scans of articles that are owned only in print format in the Vet Med Library
Access to Library Facility
Hours of operation and location information
The Vet Med Library has seven (7) conference rooms that faculty may reserve using the Room Scheduler (access the Room Scheduler via the Vet Med Intranet).
Learn what equipment is available to you in the Vet Med Library.
If you are a new faculty member or just want a refresher on Vet Med Library services and resources, schedule an individual orientation today!