There were 80 respondents to the poll, "LSU Libraries: Staff Concerns Over Re-opening Library Buildings to Public." Faculty and staff are most concerned about virus spread, cleanliness/sanitation, air filtration, clean restrooms, faculty and staff who are public-facing, people not complying with PPE and social distancing, and who will be responsible for enforcement.
Suggestions centered around limiting occupancy of the buildings through continued WFH, capacity limits, staggered schedules, sanitation, closing particular areas of the buildings, rearranging furniture and continued/beefing-up of emphasis on online services.
Issues predating COVID that need more attention due to the possibility of the pandemic amplifying them include building cleanliness, questionable ventilation, infrequent cleaning of bathrooms, and sufficient custodial staff.
For more details, please see breakdown of survey results below.
• People not wearing mask (x13)
• People not socially (physically distancing) (x13)
• Large groups assembling (x6)
• People not wearing masks correctly (x2)
• Lack of trust in young adults (x2) (e.g. bars, Tigerland, etc.)
• Cognitive dissonance/ability to maintain new habits (x2)
• People entering buildings sick (coughing, sneezing)
• What happens if someone is sick and their leave runs out?
• Who is responsible? (x11)
• What are the consequences for non-compliance? (x5)
• How to limit visitors/researchers? (x3)
• Who is monitoring # of students and how they use space? (x2)
• Clarification from university admin re standards—need to be clear
• Perception by fellow staff if we don’t return when others do?
• Being required to be in a building
• Culture wars around PPE
• Protests and possible disruption
• How little thought the university has given the Library’s unique challenges
• Spread of virus on way to and from work
• How to build awareness of library to new students safely (without crowded public events)?
• How will LSU handle crowds at super spreader events, which can easily be transmitted within a library (e.g. sports)?
• WFH as long as possible (x10)
• Capacity limits (x10)
• Stagger staff schedules (x9)
• Reduce Library open hours (x5)
• Close coffee shop (x2)
• More staff only bathrooms (x2*)
• Limit students within study rooms/study groups (x2)
• Close/limit floors and establish a paging system
• Close math lab
• Close room 227
• Close Education Resources
• Close study rooms
• Close/limit staff lounges
• Keep research desk closed; point to “Ask Us!” for assistance (x4)
• Restrict the availability of 230A
• Continue to have basement be staff-only, closed to students
• Reopen only computer labs on 1st and 2d floors for printing
• Time limits for how long people are in the building
• Limit in-person group meetings
• Consider making library access appointment only
• Be outside as much as possible
* denotes a suggestion found in Q3, but fits better in Q2’s request for suggestions
* denotes a suggestion found in Q3, but fits better in Q2’s request for suggestions
* denotes a suggestion found in Q3, but fits better in Q2’s request for suggestions