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Your Input on Future Programming

Wellness Committee Charge

Charge: The Wellness Committee is intended to enhance the personal and professional productivity of LSU Libraries staff by promoting healthy lifestyle choices. Specifically, the Committee will:

  • Help identify and promote campus resources relating to wellness.
  • Query Libraries staff to discern and prioritize staff needs relating to their physical or mental health.
  • Create programming targeted to special issues of interest to LSU Libraries staff.
  • Advocate for workplace policies and practices that support improved health.
  • Coordinate the monitoring and evaluation/assessment of the wellness activities/programs offered to employees

The Libraries defines "wellness" to refer to a broad spectrum of both physical and mental health concerns. The Libraries Committee will be expected to defer to professionals in these areas, all the while respecting the privacy concerns of everyone involved. The committee will work in close coordination with the Library's HR director, and with department heads and other supervisors.

Examples of possible initiatives consistent with this charge:

  • Health promotion literature, seminars, education sessions such as lunch-n-learns, classes or lectures, etc.
  • Incentives, walking/running groups, exercise or fitness classes/groups, facilities (showers, locker rooms, on-site gyms, etc.) offered, bike racks or storage, gym memberships, food services and facilities (cafeterias, vending, preparation and storage).
  • Stress management strategies such as meditation, exercise, and good sleep habits.
  • Linkages with Related Programs: Examples: Employee assistance, occupational health and safety programs, health benefits or flexible spending accounts, flexible/telecommute schedules, or other programs

Committee Members

Jennifer A. Cramer (Chair)

Inga Comardelle

Paul Hrycaj

Mitch Fontenot

Danielle Stoulig


Randa Morgan (Liaison with Program Committee)

Meshelle Fargason (Liaison with HR/Admin Services)

2023 Wellness Fair


You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you are voluntarily participating in these activities and do so at your own risk.  Basically, be careful when attempting any exercise and pay attention to your body so that you don’t overdo it and risk injury.