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Veterinary - School of Veterinary Medicine Records and Related Special Collections: SVM Publications

SVM Publications

The following is a list of the major publications published by the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine with links to some digitized content and respective catalog records. For a more comprehensive list of cataloged LSU SVM publications, follow this link.



-Advancement Report, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. 2010 to present.

The Advancement Report is published annually to give our faculty, staff, students, alumni, donors and friends an overview of the previous fiscal year, including lists of donors and articles about how their gifts improve the lives of people and animals.

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-Annual Bulletin (Course catalog), LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. 1978 to present.

The LSU catalog and bulletin series (ISSN 0744-4613, 359-070) is published by Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College four times a year: once in April, once in June, once in July, and once in August. This School of Veterinary Medicine Bulletin represents a flexible program of the current educational plans, offerings, and requirements that may be altered from time to time to carry out the purposes and objectives of the School and the University. 

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-Cenobium Yearbook, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. 1977 to 1990.

The first edition of the Cenobium yearbook includes this definition: “CENOBIUM (se-no ‘ be-um) (GR. KOINOBIOS – living in communion with others) – A colony of independent cells or organisms held together by a common investment.”

With this as a theme, the Cenobium began publication in 1977 and continued through 1990. Produced by students, the yearbooks are a chronicle of the daily life and the special events experienced by veterinary students at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine.

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-EHSP Research Report, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. 2004 to present.

The Equine Research Report documents research conducted by faculty and staff with the LSU Equine Health Studies Program.

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-La Veterinaire, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. 1989 to present.

The Alumni news-magazine of the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine.

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Research Report, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. 1975 to present.

The Office of Research and Advanced Studies oversees research at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, as well as the advanced degree program (MS and PhD). Scientists at the LSU SVM are investigating infectious diseases, cardiovascular health, vector-borne diseases, respiratory diseases, cancer biology, comparative orthopedic research and much more.

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-Wildlife Hospital of Louisiana Newsletter, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. 2005 to present.

The LSU School of Veterinary Medicine’s Wildlife Hospital currently accepts more than 1,700 wild mammals, birds, and reptiles annually, with a 15 percent increase in caseload anticipated each year. Read about the Wildlife Hospital of Louisiana in this newsletter.

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Advancemet Report 2013-2014 cover


Annual Bulletin 2020-2021 cover





Cenobium Yearbook 1989 cover

Equine Health Studies Program Research Report 2020 cover

La Veterinaire 2014 cover

Wildlife Hospital of Louisiana newsletter Spring 2015 cover

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