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Research Impact & Metrics

Responsible use of metrics, author identifiers, etc.

Why Profiles Matter

Developing scholarly profiles, including claiming your works with a unique identifier and cultivating an online scholar presence, can help raise the visibility of your research. This guide on creating and claiming unique author identifiers and profiles can help you curate and maintain an online researcher profile that will allow you to disambiguate your work from the work of authors that share a similar name, and keep your works together if you change your name or publish under variant name forms.

Benefits of a unique profile:

  • Showcases your scholarly activities and research output in one place
  • Helps in identifying you to potential collaborators
  • Distinguishes you from other researchers, helping to avoid misidentification
  • Manages your publications list
  • Tracks citation counts


Distinguish Yourself in Three Easy Steps

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in research workflows such as manuscript and grant submissions, automatically links your professional activities to you, ensuring that you are recognized for your work. ORCIDs are required for many grant applications, journal submissions, and incoming LSU faculty members.

1. Connect your ORCID and LSU Accounts

When you connect your accounts, you'll be able to log into ORCID with your LSU ID, rather than needing to keep track of a separate ORCID username and password.


2. Populate your ORCID record / authorize a librarian to help

Add your professional information and link to your other identifiers (Scopus, ResearcherID). Connect with CrossRef, DataCite, Publons, and more. Add publication data to your ORCID record by using the Search and Link Wizardimporting your citations as a BibTeX file, entering them manually, or asking a librarian to do it for you.

Email to authorize a librarian to import your scholarly publications to your ORCiD profile and to make connections that will keep it up to date.

3. Use your ORCID ID

Connect your Elements and SciENcv profiles to your ORCiD save time and ensure the accuracy of your scholarly record. Include your ORCID identifier in your email signature, when you submit to publications or apply for grants, and in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work.

Scopus Author Profile

Use the Author Feedback Wizard to verify and correct your profile. Make sure your record is connected to your ORCID.

Google Scholar

If you have a public Google Scholar profile, make sure you review it on a regular basis to make sure it is correct. If you do not have a Google Scholar Profile, you can create one using your Google account.

Google has detailed help on setting up your profile.

Web of Science Researcher Profile

You can create and maintain your Web of Science Researcher Profile without institutional access to Web of Science.