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Veterinary - Clinical Databases and Resources: Browsing, sorting, and citing Films on Demand videos

Browsing, sorting, and series in Films on Demand

You can browse all videos available through the Veterinary Video Collection. To narrow the video choices, use the drop down menu to filter video results to either "Veterinary Foundations" or "Veterinary Skills".

Image shows location of drop down browse limits


The default sort mode is "Newest to oldest", you can change the sort mode to either "A to Z" or "Most viewed" by clicking the drop down menu and selecting the sort mode you want.

Image shows location of sort dropdown menu



You can see other videos in a series by clicking the series link in either the video results list or from within a video's page.

Location in video results list:

image shows location of series link in video results list


Location in individual video page: 

image shows location of series link in resource page


Citing Films on Demand videos

1. To copy a citation for a particular video, click into the video's record, then click the citation button below the video.

Image shows location of citation link



2. Within the citation box, choose the citation style you prefer.

image shows citation preference location


3. Once you have selected your preferred citation style, you can either copy the citation and paste it where you need it, or you can export the citation to one of three tools (EasyBib, NoodleTools, or RefWorks).