Government Documents & Microforms
A site dedicated to using government publications for research and other academic pursuits.
DOC. HE 3.2:C 33/volumes 1-6 and 8-13, Documents stacks
Reports of interviews with social security beneficiaries who have lived to 100.
FOIA Records
Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] Records
Department of Justice's Federal Bureau of Investigation Agency provides digitized records for their most popular FOIA requests. The list is arranged alphabetically and includes files from individuals and organizations.
Searching for Personal Narratives
Catalog Search
To search for personal narratives within the documents collection in the Main Library, search our "classic search catalog" limiting to Federal Government Resources.
Type diaries, interviews, personal narratives, memoirs
Tip: Note the call number and location. Items may be available in print, microfiche, microfilm, and/or online formats.
- Last Updated: Jul 22, 2024 8:07 AM
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