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Using the Databases: New York Times

How to use the most popular research databases at LSU.

New York Times at LSU

Funding for LSU's New York Times access is provided by LSU Student Government and LSU Libraries.

How to Use the New York Times at LSU

  1. Go to: 
  2. Select from the search Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College - Baton Rouge, LA
  3. Enter all of the requested information and use your LSU email on the registration form and click Sign Up.
  4. Once you create your log-in credentials, you will be able to log in using  

Faculty and staff academic passes are valid for four years, after which they must be renewed by revisiting Student access reflects the estimated graduation date.   

Mobile users:

  1. To use the New York Times mobile app, complete the above steps on your phone. 
  2. Select yes when your browser prompts you to save your password for the website.
  3. Download the app.
  4. Launch the app, and you will be automatically logged in.

Content coverage and restrictions:

  • Content available ranges from 1851-current. Users are limited to 5 articles per day during the period of 1923 - 1980.

Existing subscribers:

  1. You must cancel your current subscription before you will be able to activate your account under the LSU subscription. 
  • Contact the New York Times at 1-800-591-9233 or 1-800-698‑4637. Or use the chat feature within your account to cancel (Log into your account> Account Settings > Cancel my subscription > Chat or call > Chat).
  • Existing account holders but no current subscription:
  • Click the "Already have an account? Log in here" link (below the "Create Account" button) after selecting LSU.