Using the Databases: CQ Researcher Plus Archive
How to use the most popular research databases at LSU.
Introduction to CQ Researcher Plus Archive
CQ Researcher is a database of in-depth, authoritative reports on a full range of political and social-policy issues extending back to 1923. Each report is footnoted and includes an overview, background section, chronology, bibliography and debate-style pro-con feature, plus tools to study the evolution of the topic over time.
Use CQ Researcher to fexplore ad build background knowledge about current issue/controversy topics for English composition papers and Communication Studies speech classes.
How to Use CQ Researcher Plus Archive
Users on campus: Click on the CQ Researcher link below.
Users off campus:
- Click on the Click on the CQ Researcher link below.
- Enter your MyLSU username and password when prompted to sign in.
- CQ Researcher Plus Archive This link opens in a new window
The video below provides an overview of CQ researcher.
The video below is a tutorial that shows how to search CQ Researcher.