NFS 4021 Contemporary Topics in Nutrition: Welcome
Agriculture Librarian

Additional Help
Been a while since you have researched? We have some awesome tutorials to help clear away the cobwebs.
Other useful and informative "How-Tos" can be found on our "How-To" page.
- Open Access Author Fund PilotOpen Access (OA) Author Fund Pilot is designed to heighten the visibility and accessibility of LSU scholarship and to support faculty, staff, and graduate students who choose to publish in open access journals that require author-fees for accepted manuscripts. It is intended for authors with limited sources of funding for open access publication charges.
Starting Research
Researching a topic can be a difficult process but it doesn't have to be. There are steps you can take to make your research process easy and stress-free. Much like how you can't build a house without a solid foundation, you can't begin researching unless you have a good, solid foundation of information. This is a good time to begin figuring out what you want your topic to be and researching the context of what your topic is about.
Interlibrary Loan Services
- Interlibrary Loan -LSU LibrariesWhere you can go to find out more information about ILL.
Sign on to ILLiad using your MyLSU.
Fill out the necessary information and hit "submit request".
For questions, comments or concerns, please call Access Services at 225-578-2138 or
Materials can be picked up from the Access Services Desk, 2nd Floor of LSU Library. A PHOTO ID IS REQUIRED.
Request materials not owned by LSU Libraries from other library institutions through your ILLiad account. Note: Whole e-books cannot be loaned through ILL, but chapters can be requested.
Who's Eligible?
Current LSU Faculty, Staff, Graduate
Students, and Undergraduate Students
Estimated Delivery Time
Loans: 3 days-2 weeks
Articles/Book Chapters: 24 hours-2 weeks
- Interlibrary BorrowingDon't give that publisher your money for a journal article that LSU Libraries doesn't own! Request it through our Interlibrary Loan department and we'll borrow it for you. We'll also borrow books for you from other libraries.
Request PDF scans of articles/book chapters/microforms owned only in print at LSU Library through your ILLiad account.
Who's Eligible?
Current LSU Faculty & Staff, Undergraduate, Graduate, LSU Online and Distance Education students
Estimated Delivery Time
24 hours
- Electronic DeliveryMore information about Electronic Delivery from ILL.
NFS 4021 Video Tutorial of Research Guide
Agricultural Support Librarian
Having Trouble Getting Access?
In order to access the LSU Libraries' resources, please make sure that you are logged into your myLSU. Failure to do so may result in you being unable to access our information.
Steps for Logging into the Libraries' website using your myLSU
1. Log into your myLSU
2. Scroll down and look on the left-hand side for the words, "Library Resources"
3. Select, "LSU Libraries Home Page"
Once you have clicked that link, you should be logged into all of the libraries resources.
For difficulties using any of our resources, please contact the Research Help Desk.