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Broadway by
ISBN: 0415937043Publication Date: 2003-11-11Arranged in an A-Z format, Broadway: An Encyclopedia is the fan and scholar's ideal resource to producers, writers, composers, lyricists, set designers, theaters, performers, shows, and landmarks.The Cambridge Guide to American Theatre by
ISBN: 0521401348Publication Date: 1993-04-30This comprehensive guide provides coverage on American theater from its earliest history to the present, with special attention given to contemporary theater throughout the United States. The entries are arranged alphabetically and provide information on mainstream topics, marginalized and alternative theater, popular forms of theater (including the circus, vaudeville, burlesque, etc.) and key plays in the annals of American theater.The Cambridge Guide to Theatre by
ISBN: 0521434378Publication Date: 1995-09-21Widely acclaimed for its breadth and scope, The Cambridge Guide to Theatre Second Edition remains the most comprehensive single-volume guide to the history and current practice of worldwide theater available today. The Guide contains a wealth of information on all aspects of theater past and present: major playwrights, works, important traditions, theories, companies, practitioners, venues and events; the origins of popular theater tradition, including folk drama, street theater and mummers plays; the work of actors, directors and designers, including lighting and sound, technical theater, theater architecture and theater design.The Columbia Encyclopedia of Modern Drama by
ISBN: 0231140320Publication Date: 2007-07-03A wholly unique A to Z reference for modern drama, this authoritative encyclopedia differs from others in highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of drama by placing playwrights and plays within their social, cultural, and historical contexts. Over 450 leading scholars provide students, general readers, and scholars with clearly written and concise entries that steer clear of technical jargon while also offering advanced readers new perspectives on familiar figures, movements, trends, issues, and texts.Encyclopedia of Latin American Theater by
ISBN: 0313290415Publication Date: 2003-12-30Latin American culture has given birth to numerous dramatic works, though it has often been difficult to locate information about these plays and playwrights. This volume traces the history of Latin American theater, including the Nuyorican and Chicano theaters of the United States, and surveys its history from the pre-Columbian period to the present. Sections cover individual Latin American countries. Each section features alphabetically arranged entries for playwrights, independent theaters, and cultural movements. The volume begins with an overview of the development of theater in Latin America. Each of the country sections begins with an introductory survey and concludes with copious bibliographical information. The entries for playwrights provide factual information about the dramatist's life and works and place the author within the larger context of international literature. Each entry closes with a list of works by and about the playwright. A selected, general bibliography appears at the end of the volume.Encyclopedia of Musical Theatre by
ISBN: 063116457XEncyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion by
ISBN: 9780195377330Publication Date: 2010-07-15Publishing in summer 2010 in print and online, the 10-volume Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion is the first comprehensive reference work to explore all aspects of dress and fashion globally - from pre-history to the present day. Arranged geographically and written by an international team of experts, the Encyclopedia will serve as the go-to source for all issues relating the art and anthropology of costume, dress, and fashion the world over for students, scholars, members of the design and fashion industries, and fashion aficionados for years to come.- Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion byISBN: 9781847888495Publication Date: 2010-Digital version
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance by
ISBN: 0198601743Publication Date: 2003-05-01From ancient Greek theatre to the latest developments in stage design, from the trance-dances of Sumatra to an extensive biography of the legendary actor-manager Eleonore Duse, the Encyclopedia provides unrivaled information across the broad sweep of theatrical activity. The Encyclopedia's inclusive approach encompasses opera and film, dance and radio, and para-theatrical, non-dramatic performances including circuses and carnivals, and parades and public executions--providing truly extensive coverage from ancient Greek theatre to the latest developments in London, Paris, New York, and around the globe. The Encyclopedia pays special attention to non-Western styles through articles on theatre and performance throughout the many countries and traditions of Asia and Africa. Numerous biographical entries cover the lives and work of major figures: actors, playwrights, directors, designer, company managers, and critics. A unique feature of the Encyclopedia is the series of articles on concepts, theories, and critical approaches, ranging from short definitions of terms like catharsis and monologue to more lengthy considerations of farce and tragedy. Race and theatre, the nature of acting, censorship, safety, special effects, and media and performance are all debated. In all, the 4,300 entries by renowned contributors remain accessible in language and approach and take advantage of the theoretical and historiographical developments in the field. The combination of rich detail and accessible language and style make The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance the resource of choice for readers interested in theatre and performance, from occasional playgoers to newspaper critics, students, and scholars.
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's History Plays by
ISBN: 052177277XPublication Date: 2002-12-05Shakespeare's history plays have been performed more in recent years than ever before, in Britain, North America, and in Europe. This 2002 volume provides an accessible, wide-ranging and informed introduction to Shakespeare's history and Roman plays. It is attentive throughout to the plays as they have been performed over the centuries since they were written. The first part offers accounts of the genre of the history play, of Renaissance historiography, of pageants and masques, and of women's roles, as well as comparisons with history plays in Spain and the Netherlands. Chapters in the second part look at individual plays as well as other Shakespearean texts which are closely related to the histories. The Companion offers a full bibliography, genealogical tables, and a list of principal and recurrent characters. It is a comprehensive guide for students, researchers and theatre-goers alike.The Community Theater Handbook by
ISBN: 0325004412Publication Date: 2003-03-07A comprehensive guide to the many details involved in setting up and maintaining a successful community theater, regardless of size.A Companion to Modern British and Irish Drama by
ISBN: 9780470751480Publication Date: 2008-01-14This wide-ranging Companion to Modern British and Irish Drama offers challenging analyses of a range of plays in their political contexts. It explores the cultural, social, economic and institutional agendas that readers need to engage with in order to appreciate modern theatre in all its complexity. An authoritative guide to modern British and Irish drama. Engages with theoretical discourses challenging a canon that has privileged London as well as white English males and realism. Topics covered include: national, regional and fringe theatres; post-colonial stages and multiculturalism; feminist and queer theatres; sex and consumerism; technology and globalisation; representations of war, terrorism, and trauma.A Companion to Twentieth-Century American Drama by
ISBN: 1405137347Publication Date: 2008-04-15This Companion provides an original and authoritative survey of twentieth-century American drama studies, written by some of the best scholars and critics in the field. Balances consideration of canonical material with discussion of works by previously marginalized playwrights Includes studies of leading dramatists, such as Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Eugene O'Neill and Gertrude Stein Allows readers to make new links between particular plays and playwrights Examines the movements that framed the century, such as the Harlem Renaissance, lesbian and gay drama, and the solo performances of the 1980s and 1990s Situates American drama within larger discussions about American ideas and cultureA Guide to Ancient Greek Drama by
ISBN: 1405137630Publication Date: 2008-04-15This Blackwell Guide introduces ancient Greek drama, which flourished principally in Athens from the sixth century BC to the third century BC. A broad-ranging and systematically organised introduction to ancient Greek drama. Discusses all three genres of Greek drama - tragedy, comedy, and satyr play. Provides overviews of the five surviving playwrights - Aeschylus, Sophokles, Euripides, Aristophanes, and Menander, and brief entries on lost playwrights. Covers contextual issues such as: the origins of dramatic art forms; the conventions of the festivals and the theatre; the relationship between drama and the worship of Dionysos; the political dimension; and how to read and watch Greek drama. Includes 46 one-page synopses of each of the surviving plays.
The Batsford dictionary of drama
ISBN: 0713446935Dictionary of the theatre
ISBN: 0747400199Comprehensive a-z listing of theatrical terms and figures in U.K.The Penguin Shakespeare Dictionary by
ISBN: 014051421XPublication Date: 2000-01-01The Penguin Shakespeare Dictionary is the ideal one-stop reference for students, scholars, play and movie-goers, and general readers who want to know more about Shakespeare's life and works. Organized in an easily-accessible A-to-Z form and making full use of the latest findings of scholars, it covers all the plays, sonnets, and narrative poems, including detailed plot summaries and accompanying critical discussion, information on relevant literary and historical figures, and the staging of Shakespeare's plays from Elizabethan times to the present. With an annotated bibliography and introductory essays on Shakespeare and on theater and play production in his time, The Penguin Shakespeare Dictionary is an indispensable reference to the most celebrated figure in world literature--a man whose words and phrases have become a part of our vocabulary.Shakespeare's Theatre by
ISBN: 9780826456403Publication Date: 2003-01-31Under an alphabetical list of relevant terms, names and concepts, this text reviews knowledge of the character and operation of theatres in Shakespeare's time, with an explanation of their origins. It consolidates the author's 40 years of experience in studying and staging Shakespeare's plays. Coverage includes the practices of Elizabethan actors and script writers: methods of characterization; gesture, blocking and choreography, including music, dance and fighting; actors' rhetorical interaction with audiences; and use of costumes, stage props and make-up.- The theater dictionary; British and American terms in the drama, opera, and balletWilfred Granville’s Theatre Dictionary is an essential guide to the terms in British and American Drama, Opera, and Ballet. It offers a fascinating compilation of technical jargon and colloquial slang pertaining to the business of the theatre, from the legitimate stage to vaudeville and road shows.