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Animal Sciences: Government Resources

Research Guide for Animal Science. This guide is a great starting place for research!

Government Documents & the Dept of Agriculture

The United States Department of Agriculture is made up of numerous individual agencies and publishes thousands of resources per year.

Use this LibGuide to find resources from the various agencies that make up the United States Department of Agriculture.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture was established in 1862 as a commission and later became a cabinet-level agency. It administers programs related to agriculture, nutrition, rural development, forestry, rural utilities, and research. This guide lists the major divisions, offices, and programs within USDA, but it does not include all of the agencies and offices that have been part of USDA throughout its history.

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National Agriculture Library (NAL)

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Government Documents provides access to an extensive collection of USDA and subagency publications beginning with an 'A' Call Number.  Highlights include:

A 1.10:       Yearbook of Agriculture - Department of Agriculture
A 13.92:     Environmental Impact Statements - Forest Service 
A 57.38:     Soil Surveys - Natural Resources Conservation Service 
A 62:          Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
A 67:          Foreign Agricultural Service
A 68:          Rural Utilities Service
A 77:          Agricultural Research Service 
A 84:          Farmers' Home Administration
A 88:          Agricultural Marketing Service
A 92:          National Agricultural Statistics Service 
A 93:          Economic Research Service
A 110:        Food Safety and Inspection Service