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TAM 4071 & TAM 4072: History of Dress and Adornment: Databases for your Papers

Research Guide for both TAM 4071 & 4072

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Background and General Research Databases

Interlibrary Loan Services

The first time you sign in, you will need to create an account. However, after that, select, "Access my ILL Account."

Fill out the necessary information and hit "submit request". 

For questions, comments or concerns, please call Access Services at 225-578-2138 or

Materials can be picked up from the Access Services Desk, 2nd Floor of LSU Library. A PHOTO ID IS REQUIRED. 

Request materials not owned by LSU Libraries from other library institutions through your ILL account.  Note:  Whole e-books cannot always be loaned through ILL, but chapters can be requested. 

Who's Eligible? 

Current LSU Faculty, Staff, Graduate
Students, and Undergraduate Students

Estimated Delivery Time

Loans: 3 days-2 weeks 
Articles/Book Chapters: 24 hours-2 weeks

Request PDF scans of articles/book chapters/microforms owned only in print at LSU Library through your ILL account.

Who's Eligible?

Current LSU Faculty & Staff, Undergraduate, Graduate, LSU Online and Distance Education students    

Estimated Delivery Time

24 hours