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Information Literacy for Agriculture: What does peer-review mean anyway?

Use this guide to help understand Information Literacy in Agriculture.

How Do I Know if an Article is Peer-Reviewed?

How can you tell whether a work is peer-reviewed? First, there are certain clues in the article itself:

1. Author credentials: She is an expert in the area she is studying and has a degree (PhD, for example) and a job (in academia or a research institute, think-tank, hospital, etc.) that relies on that expertise. When in doubt, Google the author!

2. Publisher: Usually the journal will be published by a scholarly society, university press, or major scholarly publisher like Elsevier, Springer, Taylor and Francis, Wiley, etc. When in doubt, Google the journal title! 

3. References: The authors of peer-reviewed articles will show you where they got their information from, either in the form of footnotes at the bottom of each page or a bibliography/endnotes at the end of the article.

4. Look: Peer-reviewed journals have a plain appearance. If they contain images, they tend to be figures, charts, and other images critical to understanding the research. 

5. Language: The authors of peer-reviewed articles are writing for experts in their field, so the language is dense and discipline-specific. 



If you found the article in a library database, there may be some indicators as to whether the article is scholarly:

You might find that the journal name is a hyperlink as shown below. Clicking on it takes you to a page about the journal which should make it clear whether the journal is peer-reviewed. Look for the terms scholarly, academic, peer-reviewed, or refereed.

If you found the journal article on the web, try Googling the journal title. Usually somewhere in the description or the instructions for authors, it will mention whether there is a peer-review process.

Note that an article can be from a peer-reviewed journal and not actually be peer reviewed. Editorials, news items, and book reviews do not necessarily go through the same review process. A peer-reviewed article should be longer than just a couple of pages and include a bibliography.

Research Article Break Down Review

Research articles follow a particular format.  Look for:

  • A brief introduction will often include a review of the existing literature on the topic studied, and explain the rationale of the author's study.
  • methods section, where authors describe how they collected and analyzed data.  Statistical analysis are included.  
  • results section describes the outcomes of the data analysis.  Charts and graphs illustrating the results are typically included.
  • In the discussion, authors will explain their interpretation of their results and theorize on their importance to existing and future research.
  • References or works cited are always included.  These are the articles and books that the authors drew upon to plan their study and to support their discussion.


Professors will ask you to use peer-reviewed articles in your research, but do you know what peer-reviewed actually means? The peer-review process is much more rigorous than the review of newspaper or magazine articles. The three-minute video below, from North Carolina State University, describes the peer-review process.