Environmental and Civil Engineering
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Subjects: Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Construction Management, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Standards, Geology & Geophysics, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering
The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction by L. F. Webster (Editor)
ISBN: 9780470172728Publication Date: 2007The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction provides comprehensive coverage of a broad range of technical disciplines. The definitions are designed to be of use to professionals in architecture, engineering, surveying, building, construction, forestry, mining, and public works. Entries include terms, concepts, names, abbreviations, tools, and techniques common to these disciplines, and virtually all terms and their functions were supplied by working professionals and experts in each field. More than 30,000 definitions and descriptions, including many that are not covered in other dictionaries Written with the support and assistance of nearly 100 manufacturers, trade associations, government agencies, and specialists All terms arranged alphabetically; many grouped according to logical common topics; thoroughly cross-referenced All weights, volumes, and spatial dimensions presented in both metric and nonmetric values (conversion factors included).Dictionary of Civil Engineering by Jean-Paul Kurtz (Volume Editor)
Call Number: TA9 .K88 2004ISBN: 0306483173Publication Date: 2004I am pleased to present a work which marks a milestone in the history of public works and, more precisely, in that of permanent structures--a comprehensive dictionary of Civil Engineering terms. Since the beginning of time, Man has always tried to find a means to clear the obstacles which nature erected to displace him. With the first tree trunk thrown across a river, man sought to improve the crossing structure. After the invention of the wheel, and to satisfy his thirst for conquest (Roman ways), and comfort (aqueducts), man built bridges that became a preremptory necessity to move quickly. Thus, Man started to build wooden and masonry works. With the passing centuries, the builders became masters in the art of building masonry works. Then came the Industrial Revolution and the advent of the steel (1864), which was closely followed by the invention of the reinforced concrete (1855). The need for railways and improving the road network inspired great works of crossing such as viaducts and tunnels. The boom of the railway network and the development of the car required the construction of an increasing number of new structures. This phenomenon continues today with hundreds of structures built each year throughout the world.Environmental Engineering Dictionary by Frank R. Spellman
ISBN: 9781598889710Publication Date: 2018This newly updated Dictionary provides a comprehensive reference for hundreds of environmental engineering terms used throughout the field. Author Frank Spellman draws on his years of experience, many government documents, and legal and regulatory sources to update this edition with many new terms and definitions. This fifth edition includes terms relating to pollution control technologies, monitoring, risk assessment, sampling and analysis, quality control, and permitting. Users of this dictionary will find exact and official Environmental Protection Agency definitions for environmental terms that are statute-related, regulation-related, science-related, and engineering-related, including terms from the following legal documents: Clean Air Act; Clean Water Act; CERCLA; EPCRA; Federal Facility Compliance Act; Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act; FIFRA; Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendment; OSHA; Pollution Prevention Act; RCRA; Safe Drinking Water Act; Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act; and TSCA.Dictionary of Environmental Engineering and Wastewater Treatment by Alireza Bahadori; Scott T. Smith
ISBN: 9783319262611Publication Date: 2016This comprehensive dictionary covers wastewater processes, pollution control, and every major area of environmental engineering used in industry. The alphabetically arranged entries cover key terms used in daily communications and documentation in all research and industrial activities. The several thousand key technical terms are written in easy-to-understand, practical language. The volume is an ideal reference for students and practitioners.
Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam by Michael R. Lindeburg
ISBN: 9781888577402Publication Date: 1999This manual is the most complete examination reference and study guide for engineers preparing for the PE examination. Twenty chapters offer a complete review with numerous solved problems.Standard Handbook for Civil Engineers by Jonathan T. Ricketts; M. Kent Loftin; Frederick S. Merritt
Call Number: TA151 .S8 2004ISBN: 0071364730Publication Date: 2004Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A revision of the classic reference covering all important principles and techniques needed by practicing civil engineers. The 5th Edition incorporates changes in design and construction practices, especially in design specifications for construction materials, buildings and bridges, safety and health concerns, and the most current codes changes including ACI, AISC, ASTM, NDS for wood structures, etc. The Handbook covers systems design, community and regional planning, the latest design methods for buildings, airports, highways, tunnels and bridges. It includes sections on construction equipment, construction management, materials, specifications, structural theory, geotechnical engineering, wood, concrete, steel design and construction.Environmental Engineering: Review for the Professional Engineering Examination by Ashok V. Naimpally; Kirsten Rosselot
ISBN: 9780387499307Publication Date: 2013This review will help candidates prepare for the Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination in the area of Environmental Engineering by refreshing their memory of key concepts and theory. In addition to a review of theory, two practice exams following the multiple choice format used by the PE exam are supplied with solutions to every problem. The material covered in the book and tested in the practice exam includes:Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering by James R. Pfafflin (Editor); J. R. Pfafflin; E. N. Ziegler
Call Number: TD9 .E5 2006 V.1; TD9 .E5 2006 V.2ISBN: 0849398436Publication Date: 2006Completely revised and updated, Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fifth Edition spans the entire spectrum of environmental science and engineering. Still the most comprehensive, authoritative reference available in this field, the monumental two-volume encyclopedia has expanded to include 87 articles on topics ranging from acid rain, air pollution, and community health, to environmental law, instrumentation, modeling, alternative energy, toxicology, radioactive waste, and water treatment. The articles have been extensively revised and updated, new ones have been added to cover the latest developments related to today's environmental problems. The result is a reference work that provides the information necessary to understand, manage, and respond to threats to the human environment.Risk and Reliability Analysis by Vijay P. Singh; Sharad K. Jain; Aditya K. Tyagi
ISBN: 9780784471807Publication Date: 2007When it comes to the planning, design, construction, and management of engineering systems, risk and uncertainty are unavoidable. The consideration of the risk involved in any situation, project, or plan becomes an integral part of the decision-making process. Risk and Reliability Analysis: A Handbook for Civil and Environmental Engineers presents key concepts of risk and reliability that apply to a wide array of problems in civil and environmental engineering. The authors begin with an overview of the art of making decisions in the presence of uncertainty and then explain the fundamentals of probability that will be applied throughout the book. In the second part of the book, the authors discuss various techniques used in probability distributions and parameter estimation. A third section of the book considers different aspects of uncertainty analysis, especially risk analysis and risk management, providing instructive examples. The final group of chapters addresses reliability analysis and design, focusing particularly on the important area of water distribution networks. Ample illustrations and detailed real-life examples make Risk and Reliability Analysis essential reading for present and future engineers in the fields of civil, environmental, biological, and agricultural engineering, as well as the watershed sciences. About the Authors Vijay P. Singh, Ph.D., P.E., holds the Caroline and William N. Lehrer Distinguished Chair in Water Engineering and is a professor of biological and agricultural engineering at Texas A&M University. He also serves as editor-in-chief of ASCE's Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. Sharad K. Jain, Ph.D., is a senior scientist and head of the Water Resources Systems Division of the National Institute of Hydrology in Roorkee, India. Aditya Tyagi, Ph.D., P.E., is a senior water resources engineer and technologist in the water business group of CH2M Hill. AwardsThis book was named an Outstanding Academic Title in 2008 by Choice: Reviews for Academic Libraries.Environmental Engineer's Mathematics Handbook by Frank R. Spellman; Nancy E. Whiting
Call Number: TD145 .S676 2005ISBN: 1566706815Publication Date: 2005Advanced mathematics used in engineering is studied here in this text which examines the relationship between the principles in natural processes and those employed in engineered processes. The text covers principles, practices and the mathematics involved in the design and operation of environmental engineering works. It also presents engineering modelling tools and environmental algorithm examples. Major subjects covered in this book include:* modelling * algorithms * air and water pollution assessment and control calculations Providing concepts, definitions, descriptions, and derivations in an intuitive manner, it is both a textbook and reference tool for practitioners involved in the protection of air, water, and land resources.
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