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Agri 2001: Special Topics in Agriculture

Why Use Citations?

Citations are an important part of the research process and creating proper citations is a skill that should be learned early on in your academic career. There are several different styles of citations but for this class you will use APA. Citations themselves are extremely important and serve several different purposes.

  • They give credit to the creators of the works you are using.
  • Citations help you to avoid plagiarism by showing evidence that YOU did your research.
  • They also show your research trail and can be used by your audience or readers to learn more about specific subjects.
  • Citations can also help tell your readers more about what your paper, presentation, etc. is about! 

Breaking Down Citations

Example Citation: 
Weber, E .2003. Invasive plant species of the world : a reference guide to environmental weeds. Wallingford, Oxon, UK ; Cambridge, MA, USA : CABI Pub.

Title Invasive plant species of the world : a reference guide to environmental weeds
Author(s) Ewald Weber
Place of Publication Wallingford, Oxon, UK ; Cambridge, MA, USA
Publisher  CABI Pub
Copyright/Publication Date 2003

Clues that this is a book:

Contains only one title: Invasive plant species of the world : a reference guide to environmental weeds
Includes a place of publication: Wallingford, Oxon, UK ; Cambridge, MA, USA
Includes the name of a publishing company:  CABI Pub
Might or might not include page numbers.

To find a specific book, you can search the Library Catalog by author or title.

Citations: Citing Your Sources: Elements of a Citation2015. Utah State University Libraries. Utah State University. Web. 30 March 2016.

Example Citation: Larry, S. 2016 March 21 "Learning about various invasive species". Ridgway Record The, p1.

Article Title  Learning about various invasive species
Author(s) Simon Larry
Newspaper Title The Ridgway Record
Date  March 21, 2016
Page 1
Edition or Section  

Clues that this is a newspaper article:

Like journal articles, it contains the title of the article (often in quotation marks) and the title of the publication
Unlike journal articles, the date includes the month and day in addition to the year
Some include section numbers and some include section numbers as part of the page numbers (e.g. A6, B4)

Citations: Citing Your Sources: Elements of a Citation2015. Utah State University Libraries. Utah State University. Web. 30 March 2016.

(all of the elements might not be available for each web page)

Example Citation: Invasive Species. 2015. National Wildlife Federation. Retrieved from

Title of Web Page Invasive Species

Website Host or Publisher

 National Wildlife Federation

Date of Copyright or date pages was updated

Date Page was Accessed March 30, 2016

Clues that this is a web page:

Often does not have individual authors
Includes a URL to the site.
Does not include the name of a library or library database
Includes a date of access.

Citations: Citing Your Sources: Elements of a Citation. 2015. Utah State University Libraries. Utah State University. Web. 30 March 2016.

Parenthetical / In-Text Citations

We use In-Text or Parenthetical citations to acknowledge the work of another author.  You need to include an in-text citation when you refer to, summarize, paraphrase, or quote from another source. For every in-text citation in your paper, there must be a corresponding entry in your reference list. (PennState)

Most in-text citations include the author’s last name, year, and in when using a direct quote, a page number. There are exceptions to the rules. Some of these consist of situations where there is no author. If this information is in your sentence, (Roberto mentions in his book...) you don’t have to include it in the in-text citation.

In-Text citation without author’s name in the text:

We need more policies on diseases that are caused by invasive species (Roy, 2016).

In-Text citation when author’s name is mentioned in the text:

According to Roy (2016), we need more policies on diseases that are caused by invasive species.

Parenthetical Citations with two authors:

Similar to the first two examples, however instead of an “and” you use the ampersand (&).

Invasive species can cost millions of damages a year (Lopez & Morgan 2015).

Lopez and Morgan states that invasive species can cost millions of damages a year (2015).

Parenthetical Citations with three plus authors:

First citation: (Caminita, MacDonald, Kelley, & Dunaway, 2010)

Subsequent citations: (Caminita et al., 2010)

Example of in-text citations in a journal using APA style:

Carman, K. G., & Zamarro, G. (2016).  Does Financial Literacy Contribute to Food Security. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 4 (1), 1-19.

There are numerous websites that have excellent information on In-Text or Parenthetical citations. 

OWL at Purdue

PennState University Libraries APA Quick Citation Guide


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