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Agri 2001: Special Topics in Agriculture

This is a course guide for Agri 2001. Learn about the research process here.

Agriculture Librarian

Profile Photo
Randa Lopez Morgan
141 LSU Library

Agricultural Support Librarian

Profile Photo
Larissa Elliott
141 LSU Library

The Research Process

Research is a process, much like writing, playing a musical instrument, or playing a sport is a process. There are a number of steps to the process that you need to become aware of before you can conduct effective search strategies for information sources that are appropriate for your college-level projects.

The Art of Research

The research process ... what is it?


The Art of Research by LSU Libraries

Having Trouble Getting Access?

In order to access the LSU Libraries' resources, please make sure that you are logged into your myLSU. Failure to do so may result in you being unable to access our information. 

Steps for Logging into the Libraries' website using your myLSU

1. Log into your myLSU

2. Scroll down and look on the left-hand side for the words, "Library Resources"

3. Select, "LSU Libraries Home Page"

Once you have clicked that link, you should be logged into all of the libraries resources. 

For difficulties using any of our resources, please contact the Research Help Desk

Additional Help