John James Audubon
Works about or by family members and Audubon associates
Call numbers without a location after them indicate the title is available in more than one location at LSU Libraries. See linked catalog records for details.
Additional works by and about some of the Audubon associates whose names are included below, or others, can be found in LSU Libraries' catalog by entering the person's name in an Author or Subject search.
- An American odyssey : a biography of Lucy Bakewell Audubon byCall Number: 378.76 L930D 1979 DELA University ArchivesPublication Date: 1979
- Lucy Audubon, a biography byCall Number: QL31 .A9 D44 2008Publication Date: 2008Updated edition, with foreword by Christoph Irmscher
- Audubon's western journal, 1849-1850 byCall Number: F786 .A9 1969Publication Date: 1969Reprint of 1906 edition
- The drawings of John Woodhouse Audubon, illustrating his adventures through Mexico and California, 1849-1850 byCall Number: 741.91 AU29D OVER RarePublication Date: 1957
- Had I the wings : the friendship of Bachman and Audubon byCall Number: QH31 .B13 S48 1995 McIlhennyPublication Date: 1995
- Spencer Fullerton Baird; a biography, including selections from his correspondence with Audubon, Agassiz, Dana, and others byCall Number: QL31 .B25 D2 LSU-MAINPublication Date: 1915
- "Reminiscences of John James Audubon" byCall Number: F366 .L85 v. 5 LLMVCPublication Date: 1911In: Publications of the Louisiana Historical Society, vol. 5, pages 31-41.
Rev. Gordon Bakewell was a nephew of Lucy Audubon who spent part of his life in Louisiana. - American ornithology : or, The natural history of birds inhabiting the United States, not given by Wilson byCall Number: QL674 .W76 OVER v. 1-4 McIlhennyPublication Date: 1825-1833Bonaparte had just begun work on this title when he met Audubon in Philadelphia in 1824. One bird figure by Audubon appears in the first volume.
- "The Bonaparte Audubons at the Amon Carter Museum and the friendship of John James Audubon and Charles Lucien Bonaparte" byCall Number: NE2303.7 .N67 1978 LSU-MAINPublication Date: 1983In: Prints of the American West : Papers Presented at the Ninth Annual North American Print Conference (1978), pages 13-24.
- Up the Missouri with Audubon: the journal of Edward Harris byCall Number: QH11 .H23Publication Date: 1951
- "Robert Havell, Junior, engraver of Audubon's 'The Birds of America'" byCall Number: NE1 .P7 v. 6 LSU-MAINPublication Date: 1916In: The Print-Collector's Quarterly, vol. 6, pages 227-256.
Article written by a Havell relative and includes Havell family tree - "Robert Havell Junior, artist and aquatinter" byCall Number: GA150 .M3 1984 LSU-MAINPublication Date: 1984In: Maps and Prints : Aspects of the English Booktrade, pages 81-108.
- William MacGillivray : creatures of air, land and sea byCall Number: QH31 .M135 R35 1999 McIlhennyPublication Date: 1999
- Maria Martin's world : art & science, faith & family in Audubon's America byCall Number: F273 .M38 L56 2018 McIlhennyPublication Date: 2018
- "The life of Joseph R. Mason, first artistic collaborator of John James Audubon" byCall Number: LLMVC F366 .L6238 REF v. 63, no. 3Publication Date: 2022In: Louisiana History, vol. 63, no. 3 (summer 2022) : pages 261-320.
Includes checklist of "Birds of America" folio plates containing work by Mason. - Thomas Nuttall, naturalist; explorations in America, 1808-1841 byCall Number: QH31 .N8 G7 LSU-MAINPublication Date: 1967
- "Lucy Alston Pirrie" byCall Number: CT3262 .L6 L68 2009 v. 2Publication Date: 2009In: Louisiana Women: Their Lives and Times, vol. 2, pages 85-100.
Also known as Lucretia Pirrie, she was the mother of Audubon's pupil Eliza Pirrie at Oakley Plantation in Louisiana - Rafinesque : autobiography and lives byCall Number: QH31 .R13 R33 1978 LSU-MAINPublication Date: 1978The subject of Audubon's story "The Eccentric Naturalist" (one of the "episodes" in the original edition of "Ornithological Biography"), Rafinesque was pranked by Audubon into publishing descriptions of fake "new" species of fish and rodents.
- Ichthyologia ohiensis, or Natural history of the fishes inhabiting the river Ohio and its tributary streams byCall Number: QL627 .R22 McIlhennyPublication Date: 1820Includes descriptions of imaginary fish made up by Audubon
- Narrative of a journey across the Rocky Mountains, to the Columbia River byCall Number: F592 .T74 1839 McIlhennyPublication Date: 1839In 1836, Audubon purchased 93 duplicate bird specimens collected by Townsend and Thomas Nuttall in the western United States, and included them in drawings for the last volume of "The Birds of America" folio edition
- John Kirk Townsend : collector of Audubon's western birds and mammals byCall Number: QL31 .T64 M436 2007 OVER McIlhennyPublication Date: 2007
- Charles Waterton : 1782-1865, traveller and conservationist byCall Number: QH31 .W3 B52 1991 LSU-MAINPublication Date: 1991Waterton met Audubon only once, but famously wrote letters and articles attacking him during the years of Audubon's activity in Britain.
- American ornithology: or, The natural history of the birds of the United States byCall Number: QL674 .W73 OVER v. 1-9 McIlhennyPublication Date: 1808-1814First major U.S. work depicting native birds. Audubon met Wilson in 1810 in Louisville, KY while Wilson was traveling in search of birds as well as potential subscribers for this work.
- The life and letters of Alexander Wilson byCall Number: QL31 .W55 A36 1983 LSU-MAINPublication Date: 1983
- Alexander Wilson : the Scot who founded American ornithology byCall Number: QL31 .W7 B87 2013 McIlhennyPublication Date: 2013