Veterinary - Resources for Graduating Students, Alumni, and Community Veterinarians: Free Online Resources
Free Online Veterinary Resources
Anatomy and Dissection
- Bovine and Equine Limb AnatomyFrom Iowa State University (Dr. Alexander zur Linden)
- Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum (OVAM)Sister project of WikiVet
- Rooney's Guide to Dissection of the HorseColor images designed as a supplement to the text Rooney's Guide to the Dissection of the Horse
- Veterinary Anatomy CoursewareFrom University of Minnesota- includes carnivore and ungulate gross anatomy, developmental anatomy, neuroanatomy and planar MRI and CT anatomy
- OpenAnesthesiaSponsored by International Anesthesia Research Society
Animal Health Studies
- AVMA Animal Health Studies DatabaseThis database connects you with veterinary clinical trials reported by researchers.
Animal Welfare
- Animal Welfare Information CenterThe Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) is mandated by the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) to provide information for improved animal care and use in research, testing, and teaching.
- Gateway to Farm Animal WelfareA single access point for a wide range of information related to the welfare of farm animals from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Animal Production and Health Division.
- Atlas of Human Cardiac AnatomyFrom University of Minnesota- includes comparative anatomy tutorial
- Case Studies in Small Animal Cardiovascular MedicineFrom Dr. Mark Kittleson of UC-Davis
- Feline Hypertension Educational ToolkitFrom the American Association of Feline Practitioners
Disaster Preparedness
- Disaster Planning with AnimalsDisaster Training and Best Practices from the U.S. National Agricultural Library
- Pets and DisastersFrom American Veterinary Medical Association
- Disaster PreparednessFrom American Veterinary Medical Association
- Pet Safety in EmergenciesFrom the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Disaster Preparedness for Veterinary PracticesFrom the American Veterinary Medicine Association
- ConsultantFrom Cornell University
- Cornell Feline Health CenterFrom Cornell University
- CSU Emergency Drug CalculatorFrom Colorado State University
- Feline Grimace ScaleFrom Université de Montréal.
- RVC/FAO Guide to Veterinary Diagnostic ParasitologyFrom Royal Veterinary College and Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations
- RVC Emergency Case SimulatorFrom Royal Veterinary College (University of London)
Food Animal
- Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Animation SeriesFrom the Moredun Fountation- includes A to Z disease resources including video animation and printable handouts
- Biology of the GoatAnimated anatomy and physiology
- Food Animal Residue Avoidance DatabankA component of the Food Animal Residue Avoidance & Depletion Program
- Interactive Clinical Exam of the CowFrom University of Glasgow
- Maryland Small Ruminant PageMaintained by Susan Schoenian, Sheep & Goat Specialist for University of Maryland Extension
- Virtual Livestock LibraryFrom Oklahoma State University
- Animal Disease InformationFrom Center for Food Security & Public Health
- AVMA PoliciesFrom American Veterinary Medical Association
- IVISIVIS (International Veterinary Information Service) is a non-profit, free veterinary information website. Registration is required.
- Microscopic Anatomy-HistologyImages from Dr. Roger C. Wagner and Dr. Fred E. Hossler
- Veterinary HistologyCourse from Dr. Thomas Caceci of Virgina Tech
iBooks from University of Georgia
- University of Georgia Interactive Open iBooksRequires Books app (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch) or Mac
Image Databases
- Animal Image GalleryFrom American Society of Animal Science
- Veterinary Medicine SlidesFrom Auburn University
Infectious Disease
- Johnes Information CenterFrom University of Wisconsin
- Leishmania Virtual LaboratoryCollaboration between The University of York, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, SimOmics, Cybula, and Pharmidex- a platform to explore a computational model of host mice chronically infected with visceral leishmanisis.
- RCVS Epidemix version 2From Royal Veterinary College- app to visually explore spatiotemporal trends in disease transmission and improve your understanding of disease modelling
- World Reference Laboratory for Foot-and-Mouth DiseaseFrom the Pirbright Institute
- Comparative Mammalian Brain CollectionsFrom University of Wisconsin, Michigan State University and the National Museum of Health and Medicine
- Video Resources for Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, 4th edFrom Cornell University
- Brain Facts and FiguresFrom Dr. Eric H. Chudler, University of Washington
- CDC- ParasitesFrom Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Dr. John M. King's Necropsy Show & TellFrom Cornell University
- eClinPathFrom Cornell University- online textbook
- DVM Insight Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound Image LibraryIdexx Laboratories DICOM image database
- Imaging AnatomyFrom Illinois State University- includes canine, feline, equine, bovine, and dental anatomical imaging
- Kansas State University Veterinary Health Center RadiologyFrom Kansas State University
- Veterinary RadiologyProvides primary and continuing education on veterinary radiology
- Visual Guides of Animal ReproductionFormerly known as the Drost Project
- ASPCA National Animal Poison Control CenterIncludes information about poisonous plants, household materials, and "people" foods.
- Plants Poisonous to LivestockFrom Cornell University
- VirusworldFrom University of Wisconsin