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Veterinary - Textbooks by VMED Course: Fall 2024

This guide lists the textbooks adopted by each VMED course.

Textbooks are available in two formats:

  1. Online as e-Books: These are indicated as "Electronic Resource" under the Call Number when available.
  2. In Print in the SVM Library:
    • For a 5-hour loan from the Permanent Reserve section
    • For a 2-week checkout from the Stacks

The newest edition of each book is listed below.

Please note that not all Library eBooks allow unlimited simultaneous users, so you may be unable to access an eBook on demand.

Chiantia D. Sago

Profile Photo
Chiantia Sago
LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Bldg.

Fall 2024


VMED 5141: Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine

(Dr. Clare Scully)

We are currently waiting for the textbook information for this course.

Please check back later for updates.


VMED 5150: Clinical Skills I 

(Dr. Rose Baker)

VMED 5161 / 5162: Form and Function I & II

(Dr. Brooke Dubansky)

VMED 5175 - Fundamentals of Diagnostics & Surgery (Riggs)


VMED 5181 - Veterinary Professional Development

(Dr. Lorrie Hale; Dr. Pilar Camacho Luna)



VMED 5268 - Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System in Domestic Animals

(Dr. Jude T. Bordelon)


VMED 5002 - Problem-based Learning II

(N. Welborn)



VMED 5202 - Animals in Society

(S. Johnson)


VMED 5223 - Veterinary Pharmacology

(Dr. Levent Dirikolu)


VMED 5235 - Veterinary Parasitology



VMED 5236 - Veterinary Virology



VMED 5241 - Systemic Veterinary Pathology I



VMED 5250 - Clinical Skills II



VMED 5270 - Clinical Pathology and Diseases of the Hemolymphatic System



VMED 5273 - Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases



VMED - Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System in Domestic Animals

(Dr. Jude T. Bordelon)


VMED 5011 - Advanced Veterinary Anesthesiology & Surgery

(Dr. McCauley)


VMED 5264 - Diseases of Dogs and Cats

(Dr. Frederic Gaschen)


VMED 5315 - Veterinary Radiology

(Dr. Abbi Granger)


VMED 5320 - Large Animal Clinical Nutrition

(Dr. Ann Chapman)


VMED 5325 - Small Animal Clinical Nutrition

(Dr. Ann Chapman)


VMED 5351 - Veterinary Clinical Neurology

(Dr. Rose Baker)


VMED 5352 - Veterinary Ophthalmology

(Dr. Renee Carter)


VMED 5361 - Theriogenology

(Dr. Jose Len Yin)


VMED 5362 - Diseases of Horses

(Dr. Ann Chapman)


VMED 5363 - Critical Care

(Dr. Ryan Smith)


VMED 5373 - Veterinary Clinical Toxicology

(Dr. Ahmed Abdelomein)


VMED 5452 - Diagnostic Veterinary Pathology

(Del Piero)


VMED 5454 - Clinical Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging



VMED 5455 - Zoological Medicine



VMED 5456 - Small Animal Medicine

(F. Gaschen)


VMED 5457 - Companion Animal Surgery




VMED 5458 - Equine Medicine and Surgery

(C. Mitchell)


VMED 5467 - Ophthalmology Clinical Rotation



VMED 5468 - Food Animal Health Management

(M. Welborn)



VMED 5010 - Selected Topics in Feline Medicine



VMED 5010 (035) - Dentistry Online

(N. Welborn)




VMED 5010 (39) - Fear Free Certification

(N. Welborn)




VMED 5463 (001) - Advanced Anesthesiology



VMED 5463 (002) - Ultrasound Clinical Rotation 



VMED 5463 (003) - Advanced Zoological Medicine



VMED 5463 (004) - Advanced Small Animal Medicine

(F. Gaschen)


VMED 5463 (005) - Advanced Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery



VMED 5463 (006) - Advanced Equine Medicine 

(C. Mitchell)


VMED 5463 (007) - Advanced Equine Surgery

(C. Mitchell)


VMED 5463 (008) - Veterinary Dermatology Clinical Rotation



VMED 5463 (009) - Clinical Cardiology 



VMED 5463 (010) - Clinical Pathology Clinical Rotation 



VMED 5463 (011) - Equine Medicine and Surgery Clinical Rotation 

(C. Mitchell)


VMED 5463 (014) - Theriogenology Clinical Rotation 



VMED 5463 (015) - Advanced Food Animal Health Management 

(M. Welborn)


VMED 5463 (018) - Clinical Oncology 

(Instructor TBD)


VMED 5463 (022) - Laboratory Animal Medicine 



VMED 5463 (024) - Advanced Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery 



VMED 5463 (035) - Small Animal Emergency Clinical Rotation 



VMED 5463 (040) - Equine Ambulatory Consulting Specialty Practice 



VMED 5463 (041) - Shelter Medicine (Spay/Castration/Community Wellness) 



VMED 5463 (045) - Small Animal Critical Care Clinical Rotation 



VMED 5463 (047) - Large Animal Emergency 



VMED 5463 (049) - Small Animal Community Practice 

(N. Welborn)


VMED 5463 (051) - Integrative Medicine and Rehabilitation 



VMED 5463 (057) - Chi Institute - Adv Integ Med and Rehab Clinical Rotation 
